Lamley Daily: Chevy Bolt EV

Model: 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV

Release: Greenlight Hobby Exclusive

Ebay Link: Greenlight Chevy Bolt

Why I am featuring it: I really am coming to realize as a collector that I like too much stuff. I always am saying that I want to narrow my focus. In some ways, I have had some success. I’ve been able to let go of some cars that I am just not that into anymore. It seems though that the old cliché “when one door closes another opens,” rings true time and time again. This boat is still taking on water faster than I can scoop it out.

There is no way that this car would interest me in the beginnings of my 1/64 diecast collection. But of course, today is a different day and like most collections, mine is somewhat fluid. I would never buy this car in 1:1 scale but in 1:64 it has some charm.

I think that part of why I like it is that it is unique to Greenlight. I don’t think that any other company has produced one in 1:64 scale (this could have been a “Single File” feature). Another reason why I like it is that it has some nice details such as the inserted headlight pieces. Thirdly, it is cool just because having accurate scale models of bland cars is rad. Sure I love my supercars too, but there is just something about having models of cars that you will actually see on the road more often that is appealing to me.

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