Lamley Awards 2020: Find it, buy it and no regrets – Doug Breithaupt’s Top Ten Additions to the Collection in 2020

Lamley's toy car historian ranks his 10 best additions in 2020


April 6, 2020 by Doug Breithaupt The Metropolitan is not an American car. It was built in England by Austin, has a British engine and was a captive import car for Nash, Hudson and later, AMC. It was sold in the U.K. after 1955 as an Austin Metropolitan. The design, however, was American. Offered from …

The Big Picture in Little Cars or the 30 Years Greatest Cars Cycle Theory

January 25, 2020 - by Doug Breithaupt Those of us who are part of the world-wide toy car collecting community recognize the names of many of our fellow collectors. We are most likely to have connected electronically through forums, blogs, or webzine comments. Some have traveled in Europe, the U.S., Asia, or elsewhere and met …