The Hot Wheels White Whale? Jun Imai just dropped a pic of a CARDED Hot Wheels Modern Classics antifreeze Silverado

This is literally the second photo I have ever seen of the infamous Modern Classics Antifreeze ‘82 Silverado. And it came from possibly the most reputable source it could: the dude who designed it.

Jun Imai, previously of the Hot Wheels Design Team, dropped this on Instagram today:

He is asking for the story, and I have told some of it here on Lamley. The Silverado was designed by Jun for the Modern Classics line, and antifreeze was to be the second color. Sadly the line was cancelled before it was released, and if it wasn’t for a photo in a toy magazine at the time, no one would have known about it. But that photo and a lucky ebay lot confirmed it was slated to be released, and now we get the first image of a carded model from Jun’s mouthwatering archive.

6 Replies to “The Hot Wheels White Whale? Jun Imai just dropped a pic of a CARDED Hot Wheels Modern Classics antifreeze Silverado”

  1. Almost positive I have one. I don’t have many of the line but I remember the lime green and it was the first Silverado I have.

  2. Just amazing. I had the RLC issue. The police rods issue. And the Modern Classics. I have since sold them all for my own reasons. I try not to have regrets but I do wish I still had them.

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