Lamley Daily: Hot Wheels RLC Neo Classics ’72 Ford Gran Torino Sport

Model: ’72 Ford Gran Torino Sport

Line: Hot Wheels RLC Neo Classics (no. 4 of 4)

eBay link: Hot Wheels RLC Gran Torino Sport

Why I am featuring it: “Keep that in the box”. A phrase my father would say often to me in my youth. He would buy limited edition Corgi and Lledo vehicles, buses, trucks and others, tin toys and other little bits that took his fancy. I’d get one or 2 for birthdays and Christmas if I was lucky. I could play with them carefully. They would always have to be put back in the box and he would make a point of showing me the limited edition certificates, delicate pieces etc. Then they would go somewhere safe until I wanted to play with them again. But I knew they were special so I didn’t that often. As a result there’s a cupboard full of stuff still in perfect condition at my parents house. It’s a cupboard full of perfectly preserved memories. And it’s maybe half the reason this Torino remains firmly stuck to the card, surrounded in a protective case.

Carded stuff is a little different to boxed stuff and I know this Lamley Daily will have a lot of you screeching “set it free!” at your screens. But I’ll politely decline if that’s ok.

This being an RLC car means we in the UK don’t get the chance to have them without huge cost. International membership is possible but there’s a flat rate of $60 for shipping to Europe and currently the cheapest shipping rate available for one listed on eBay is $15. That means there aren’t many RLC cars on these shores.

When this one arrived I had every intention of opening it. When I saw it first right here on Lamley Group I knew I needed one right away. It’s one of the best looking Hot Wheels I’ve ever seen. If not the best. I’ve a thing for green, and this Spectraflame olive green is stunning. And I’m a big fan of the wheel choice. It’s come straight from the Hot Wheels mainline circa 1973.

And I wanted to open it. I really did. But I know there’s a high chance I won’t get another in the UK, loose or carded. And the card art is fantastic. And while I’ll never get to experience the opening hood and the pleasure of rolling it around on the top of my desk, I get a different sort of enjoyment from it. I was given some clip strips from a local supermarket a few years ago and I hang my carded Hot Wheels on them. This one is the pick of a strip that includes the STH 8-Crate and Tesla Roadster.

I love it, and it’ll remain carded for as long as it’s with me. If I ever find a loose one then maybe I’ll indulge, but for now this ticks all the boxes I need it to.

2 Replies to “Lamley Daily: Hot Wheels RLC Neo Classics ’72 Ford Gran Torino Sport”

  1. Oooo yes I love this one. I’m not an RLC member but found it at a swap for super cheap and got it. I used to keep most things in the box or was super careful too. I grew up actually playing with 1/18 ERLTs my Grandpa had or bought me before my collecting began. Never broke a one! Still have them too. Dad always had 70’s collector cars, real ones that is, so I probably learned care from there also. Good care always payed off when you turn to sell something. Not to say I haven’t decided to open many things too though. Just Depends! 😀

  2. Packaging has it’s place in the hobby, and I’m with you – I try to preserve it. As a professional designer, I have a strong appreciation for the work it takes to produce good graphics and packaging. This started in my childhood.I was fascinated with the blister pack art – both front and back – of Hotwheels during the initial redline period. The colors and illustration on the front, and those beautiful ink drawings on the back. Matchbox cars as well. The box art evoked enough realism to put me in the mindset of real adventure, without having to spell it out.
    I never kept the packaging back then, but today it’s an essential part of my collection.
    Packaging tells a story. It’s the first point of contact with the product. It speaks of the era we live in, or others did in the past. Of course, the cars are the most important part, but a good blister or box is a cool thing to display.
    I make my share of noise about it, but when AutoWorld stopped making boxes, it was a small kick in the teeth for those of us wanting to put box and toy together in our display case. I respect those who feel differently about packaging, but it would be helpful if they returned the respect, standing up for good packaging even if they toss it out. Do it for those of us who want it. We are a collecting community, and should have each others backs.

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