The Hot Wheels ’55 Chevy Bel Air Gasser Convention Finale Exclusive completes a beautiful 50th Anniversary Pair

Hot Wheels has released a plethora of models commemorating its 50th year.  None of them compare this precious pair, which completes itself tonight at the Hot Wheels Convention Finale:


The gold was released as the Finale model at HW Nationals in Dallas back in April.  Its twin, with the colors completely reversed, is the Finale model for the HW Convention here in Los Angeles.  And oh wow they are cool.

I love this idea.  The 50th year is obviously special – that’s why they call it the “Golden Anniversary” – and this pair of Gassers is the epitome of that.  Sure, they are made in limited numbers, and only available to attendees at the Convention, but I can’t think of a better place to do something like that.

And as gold as the gold model is, the black is black.  Deep black.  Stunning, get lost in it black.


Photogenic black.


With all due respect to the 50th Faves, with their black Kroger exclusive and all, this pair is what I will use to commemorate this year.  A collectible pair, given at events celebrating collectors, and done beautifully.  The packaging is great, but this pair looks best fancy free.


Happy 50th Hot Wheels.  Now let’s get on to 2019.



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