Here are all the slides from the Hot Wheels Sneaks Presentation

I’m exhausted.  Word of advice: If you go to a Hot Wheels Convention, don’t schedule a 6 am flight Sunday morning.  You won’t get much sleep.

But I want to get these up.  You have – hopefully – seen the video I posted of the Hot Wheels Sneaks Presentation.  If you haven’t, you should surely watch that first.  Getting the descriptions from the Hot Wheels Team is FAR better than just looking at the pics.

Plus, many of you have mentioned the lack of response from the crowd to most of the presentation.  I noticed it too, and I have some thoughts that I will share later.

If you have seen the presentation, all the slides for your reference are below.  I cropped these photos on my phone before falling asleep on the plane and almost getting too acquainted with the shoulder of the guy next to me.  Ah, cramped flying.  What a treat.

Enjoy the slides, and let me know what you are most excited for.  I have a lot more thoughts, as well as more videos and photos to post.  I will get a preview video of the new Dodge Demon and other new models with Brendon Vetuskey a little later.  More after that as well.

Click on these photos for a later view:

15 Replies to “Here are all the slides from the Hot Wheels Sneaks Presentation”

  1. I was surprised to see the Nissan Laurel and Skyline wagon done as racers. I see those castings much more as slammed cruisers than as serious tire scorchers.

    Looking forward to the 787B, Shop Trucks, Original 16, and Dragstrip Demons. I doubt I’ll ever see the green ’55 Gasser on the pegs, though. Or any of the other for that matter.

    How about making each of the Original 16 in the 12 Spectraflame colors?

  2. Thanks for the slides. Strongest impressions: It’s going to be a blood-bath scoring the gasser C.C set this fall. Disappointed the Toyota 2000GT was cut from Circuit set and knew we’d eventually see a more accurate Ford GT LeMans livery. Overall a lot to be excited about, but the RLC preview was underwhelming. Bring on the RLC Datsun 240 already and Hot Wheels please add a racing number to the BMW 2002.

  3. Almost the whole premium line is a highlight for me as it brings up great castings with some great decos. I am looking forward to the circuit legends especially. I can’t describe how exciting I was when I saw this series. Glad to see a Super Nova in the premium line and comes with great decos that look as great as those RLC ones.

    I feel like the situation of which the crowds give unenthusiastic reactions has been here for quite some time. As far as I can remember, or observe, it has been this case since the last 3 conventions. Like what others have mentioned, it may due to the fact that Hot Wheels has become a much different brand from what it started as. The crowd love makes Hot Wheels special, what can scream that it is a Hot Wheels, like the Original 16, instead of what the other diecast companies have been doing over the years, like having a variety of cars from other cultures. After all, I guess those original designs from Hot Wheels are those which make them love Hot Wheels, make their childhood happy and is something that I can understand (if that is the real reason for their reactions).

    1. But it’s a bit of a dampener, isn’t it? There is need for moderation so the line does not fall for the “general audience” syndrome, but at the same time, we’re already here. We have all these winning castings that can fill every niche for just one dollar at least. And who knows how these people would react if something like a Blown Delivery winds up on the mainline–they might call out dilution.

      Compromise is needed. Combine old metal done in “RLC-lite” style with modern machines made with accuracy and justice. Expand to 400 models per year. Bump up distribution. And streamline the marketing such that it’s more of a 2-prong approach: kids get playthings, not-kids get collectibles, but also such that the can meet halfway (collectibles that can take play wear, playthings that wouldn’t look too strange as a monument when carded).

      Again, all just bluster from me, so it’s best to have these grievances aired to the design team or management. Make your voices heard on IG and at the next convention. We know they’re doing better now, but there’s room for more.

  4. GTE winner, F1 LM, S15, raid Unimog (dark-horse pick), Super EF Civic, plus some cool recolors. Wow.

    If only they go for 60/40 licensed/generic…

  5. Thank you for the photos and video !

    I don’t understand why they continue to put big rear wheels on cars such as the ’18 Camaro and the ’18 Challenger. Hopefully the ’18 mustang has been saved, like all the cool japanese castings (if you can explain that mystery…).

    I love a lot of things here : Circuit Legends, Team Transports, Forza, Dragstrip Demons, and all the great things we will never see here in France (Star Wars and Disney stuffs take all the pegs…. –__– ).
    I also like the Punisher Van and the new Batmobile.

    For the non premium cars, I love ’87 Dodge 100; ’85 Bronco, GTR- R32, and the Defender looks great in grey camo.

      1. Thank you for the picture. Yes, you’re right, sometimes it means something. But I find it’s a bit systematic on the american muscle cars.
        In a near futur, I’d like to see a recast of my favorite ones, like the ’67 camaro or the ’68 Chevy nova, and the Torinos, Chargers, Challengers… with normal wheels and stances, and side mirrors.
        It would be a good mean to relauch the US muscle cars hype.

    1. You can blame me for the big rear wheels on the Camaro and Challenger. They’re big cars, with big engines and rwd. They need that much tire to get traction, lol. Seriously, though, the optimal size would probably be somewhere in between the medium and large. We work with what we have, and until that size wheel is available it’ll either end up looking slightly small or slightly large. I’d rather go large than small on powerful cars like those with large rear quarters. Otherwise, with smaller rear wheel it looks wimpy and stock (boring).

  6. Hotwheels 50 years!!! No 2 part tampo rules for these. Wow! Yee haa!!! Woo ho00o!!!! Usa USA usa!! Party!!!!! Matchbox uk 65 years……………………………… Parp………………………………. No 2018 stock issued. Hotwheels celebrating 50 years execution of matchbox. Matchbox. Rip matchbox UK

  7. I have to get my hands on that Chevy Silverado Trail Boss 2019 we are built the full size truck at Fort Wayne GM Assembly the year running Pilots down the lines as I speak

  8. Highlights for me;

    Audi RS6 Avant – Love it! Bring on the clean recolors!
    Lamborghini Countach Pace Car – Great to get this, but would prefer either street version or a more impressive deco.
    2018 Mustang – Nice casting, but don’t care for the stripes. Prefer clean. Let’s see this in metallic yellow like Mercedes-AMG GT
    Fairlady 2000 – Nice, but at this point I think I’m good with the 3 colors I have.
    Nissan GT-R R32 – Yes! Honestly, the Yokohama logos aren’t doing much for me. Would like a clean debut, and then they can add logos on a re-release later.
    Land Rover Defender – I generally hate camo, but it looks pretty good here. Might get this one.
    M-B Unimog – Not quite what I had in mind. I’d much prefer a more utilitarian version to this… umm… racer?
    GReddy Civic EF – Yes! Alas, I will never see one.
    Gand Turismo – Can’t wait.
    Forza BMW 2002 – I think this is my most anticipated model of the entire presentation. Awesome!
    Forza Silvia – Nice! Love the blue with bronze wheels.
    Shop Trucks – Pass.
    Circuit Legends – OMG! Now this is my kind of car culture! I’m down for a full set.
    Dragstip Demons – Pass.
    Team Transport – Regrettably pass.
    50th Ann., RLC, Collectors – Pass

  9. Just when I thought I caught up with what I wanted for a little while they bring in a stock R32 an s15, my jaw dropped on the 787B, more awesome cars in awesome livery, and those gorgeous team transports. My bank account is screwed.

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