Before the Hot Wheels Forza set hits in the US, let’s have our friends at DCTV in New Zealand give us a quick preview.

2 Replies to “Before the Hot Wheels Forza set hits in the US, let’s have our friends at DCTV in New Zealand give us a quick preview.”

  1. I suppose you could say these casting choices are the “usual suspects”, but no complaints from me on that front. I’ll always be thankful for more examples of cars like the M4 and P1, and it’s nice to see older (but popular) models like the Javelin.

    I’ve always thought of the Falcon as a bit of a dark horse. I’ve loved it since it came out, but wish they’d do a clean deco with front and rear tampo instead. I know it’s a racecar so the racing decos are appropriate, but still. Kind of an odd choice for the chase model though…wonder how prevalent it’ll be.

  2. Send all the falcons down to Australia ….the Racing Circuit silver falcon fkew off the pegs but every other model in that series is still readily available at retail.

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