2016 Lamley Awards: What was the Best Hot Wheels Licensed New Model of 2016?

The 2016 Lamley Awards continue…

You have now voted on Best and Worst Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt, and now we move onto a topic that I have been looking forward to watching.

What was the Best Hot Wheels Licensed New Model in 2016?

A loaded question, and I think a very tough one to answer.  There are a million directions to go.  And the competition will be fierce.  So I am letting you pick three, and those that get the most votes will win.

Before you hit the poll, here is the approach.  Instead of picking from all the New Models, we are going with just the licensed New Models.  There were definitely some originals that collectors loved, like the Time Attaxi, but to keep things simple we are only going with licensed.  I always debate whether to include “non-real” licensed cars like the Beatles Sub and Minecart, but since I am going with licensed they are included.

And alongside being able to pick three, I did something else new this year as well.  I have included “non-basic” new models as well.  There were three in Car Culture and two in Entertainment.  I am sure some will think it isn’t accurate to include, but I would rather include all licensed models that debuted.

So scroll down and check out all the models.  Some had recolors, others didn’t, so we are talking about the model in general.  This is a tough task, but remember you can choose three.

And by the way, all these photos came from the 2016 Hot Wheels New Models Page at hobbyDB.  Go check it out and see all the new models in 2016.

Good luck.

What was the BEST Hot Wheels Licensed New Model in 2016?  (Pick your top three)


9 Replies to “2016 Lamley Awards: What was the Best Hot Wheels Licensed New Model of 2016?”

  1. Oh jeez, now you have to hit us with ONLY ONE choice for all these cool cars???!!! Well I will try my best, but perhaps we can have you add yet ANOTHER award to your show, BEST DECALS. Since some(most) of these models have little to no erroneous decals and look very true to life, well, wouldn't it be nice when HW gets just the right amount of decals or a livery that makes a so so car look just great(HONDA ODYSSEY), well let's acknowledge that and perhaps they will take note, or they won't, this is all for fun anyway right???

  2. That was really hard to chose three, some great licensed models came out this year. I hope Hot Wheels take note of their popularity and produce less generic cartoon cars. Having said that, I did buy the Time Attaxi as although it's generic, it's a car not a bear on wheels or something.

  3. Not strictly speaking a 'new' model, but I think the '85 Honda CR-X deserves an honourable mention as it has been completely re-cast in it's transition into the mainline…

  4. Yes.. the Alfa is nice, considering it started out as a premium, but the BMW CSL is just stunning!
    Would love to see the CSL in a premium line-up one day, then we will see supremacy.
    The Alfa technically was previously introduced before in the MBX line and though it's my next choice.. HW's nailed the CSL, but also because it's brand spankin'!

  5. The Gloss Black Beamer CSL wins it for me but only because the Raptor is too wide for the orange track – for me at least, if it can't run, it can't win!!.

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