The R34 Skyline should always be in the Hot Wheels lineup…

Find all versions of the R34 on eBay

I saw this on Nitto Tire’s IG feed the other day:

A photo posted by Nitto Tire (@nittotire) on Jun 26, 2016 at 9:32am PDT


Doesn’t that ring true for the Hot Wheels R34 as well?

The casting is flawless, and there isn’t a weak version in the bunch.  The new Need for Speed version is bound to be popular, and it adds to an arsenal that include two F&F, a Zamac, a spoiler change, and two First Editions that will never be beat.

Call it a must collect…

(Find all versions of the R34 on eBay…)

The latest:

The family:

The spoiler change:

The First Edition shade variation:


9 Replies to “The R34 Skyline should always be in the Hot Wheels lineup…”

  1. There is a blue recolor coming of the NFS version which should be even tastier! The R34 itself is a brilliant casting and every version so far has been cool. My favorite is the original silver from 2011 because its the best one as its based on the Nismo Z-Tune.

  2. Would be 100% if it had front tampos, pretty much 80% of hotwheels are missing the mark by not having the rear tail lights on the front headlights. As good as the second edition 180sx is, how much better would it be with the tail lights? I dont even like vw gold, but the euro series is seriously lacking headlights and tail light on the golf and the porsche, not to mention the up coming ford focus rs. But all of these are great cars.

  3. Casting is superb, details and proportions are good. Paint isn't too thick. One of HW-s best. Side tampo is not my taste, that is why my favourites of this R34 are the plain silver and blue versions. I prefer tampos only on the lights as MB does it. But this new red looks great, because the tampo looks authentic. Gungrey wheels are spot on too. Great job HW.

  4. Casting is superb, details and proportions are good. Paint isn't too thick. One of HW-s best. Side tampo is not my taste, that is why my favourites of this R34 are the plain silver and blue versions. I prefer tampos only on the lights as MB does it. But this new red looks great, because the tampo looks authentic. Gungrey wheels are spot on too. Great job HW.

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