The joy of opening the Aoshima Grand Champions Series 9…

Cars like these deserve two posts.

Aoshima GraChan (Grand Champions) Series 9 is out, and Part 1 of our coverage will be the box opening and model showcase on the Lamley YouTube Channel.  You can see it below.

Part 2 will be later this week, with a full photo showcase straight from the Lamley studio.

This is easily the best series yet.  Quality and detail have increased, and as always, the models look incredible in all their bosozoku stylings.  These sets are totally worth having, and the time is now, considering how hard these sets are to acquire even a few months down the line.  Series 9 is available now at Japan Booster.


(Subscribe to the Lamley YouTube Channel)

4 Replies to “The joy of opening the Aoshima Grand Champions Series 9…”

  1. The blue and gold Kenmeri and the silver and black Carina were online models that you could order from the CircleK Sunkus online store (much the same as what Kyosho does). There is a secret chase model, however, that you can only find in the regular blind boxes. It's the same as the blue and gold Kenmeri except the colours are green and gold instead. And it says Liberty Walk along the top of the windshield on the blue Kenmeri. Thanks for the video!

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