The Lamley Stream of Consciousness Questions: How do you collect? Why do you enjoy it? What do you hate about it? What is your end game?

Today marks the drop of the Nike X Supreme Dunk Lows. Those are shoes. Basketball shoes. Basketball shoes that will most likely never see the court. They are going to sell out in seconds. I assume bots will be involved. I assume lots of emotions, good and bad, high and low, will also be involved. Those lucky enough to snag a pair will show them off, possibly from their closet, or their basement apartment. Others will just resell them for a crazy amount. They will be a thing.

The paragraph above will elicit a reaction. From you. Yes you. You might say if Supreme and Nike made enough maybe someone who would actually use them could have a chance at them. Or you might tell the bots to f*#k off. Maybe you are licking your chops with your bots ready. Most of you will just say something along the lines of “who the eff cares?”.

But that last reaction is a reaction, and it is coming from a person reading a blog dedicated solely to toy cars. If there is any type of person that could at least understand all the sub collector and hype cultures, it would be a diecast collector. We reside in a “who the eff cares?” world.

I mention this because I am very curious what the collecting experience is right now. You either care about the latest hypebeast sneaker drops or you don’t, and sneakerheads might say you either get it or you don’t. But that doesn’t mean that world doesn’t exist, and it is A THING. The same can be said for diecast collecting.

As connected via technology as we all are now, I don’t know if I really know what the collecting experience really is. Sure, I have a good sense of what kind of cars folks like to collect. The JDM Era was certainly A THING (and is still going strong), and it wasn’t hard to see the surge of European favorites coming right when it did. A muscle renaissance is around the corner. That should be obvious. I get all that.

What I am more interested in is HOW we collect. When I jumped in the Hot Wheels collecting pool, rarity was certainly A THING, manifest by the massive popularity of errors and variations. The rare, random wheel variation was the thing to have, and if you collected during that era you certainly knew what folks were talking about when they mentioned the Pink Bedlam, FTE Flamed Charger, and Red-Wheel Dieselboy.

But that era came and went (as did my variation collection), and many other changes started occurring. Folks left the online forums and went to Facebook. Instagram then surged in, turning Facebook into what the forums were in 2008. The custom world also surged on Instagram, creating what is now essentially an industry. And I think all this really fundamentally changed HOW and WHAT we collect. Or it didn’t. I really don’t know.

Let me pause. Look at what I have mentioned in those first few paragraphs. Shoes, variations, Facebook, Instagram, customs, and more. My mind is scattered. That might be because I haven’t written a blog post in awhile, but it is more because I look at this hobby now and get a bit overwhelmed. I love collecting. I am a confident collector. I try to pay attention to what I honestly like, but know I can fall victim to all kinds of little hype machines, including my own. If I’m honest, I have a true love/hate relationship with my collection.

So I want to know about your collecting experience. How you look at this hobby. Clearly you have some opinions, because you are here, reading a blog about toy cars.

So I started thinking about my collection, and came up with this massive list of what I consider honest questions. These are questions I ask myself. A lot. I would love to get your thoughts. Answer some, or none, or all. Answer them here, or make them rhetorical. But I would love to hear your thoughts on the collecting experience.

Call these the Lamley Stream of Consciousness Questions:

What do you collect?

What makes you collect a new brand?

What makes you stop collecting a brand?

Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate?

What makes you angry about the hobby?

What do you enjoy about the hobby?

What makes you jealous?

What makes you flex?

Do you like to show off your stuff?

Would you rather keep your collection private?

Do you participate in raffles?

Do you run them?

Do you like raffles?

Are there models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament?

Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quit collecting?

Do you see collecting as an investment?

Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model?

Does your collection overwhelm you at times?

Do you hate your collection at times?

If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more?

Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model?

What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model?

Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection?

Do you want to still have your collection when you die?

Do you want to leave it for someone?

Why do you like seeing leaked models?

Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming?

Do you buy stolen models?

Do you like them because you have something no one else has?

Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist?

What is the end game for your collection?

These questions are connected, or they aren’t. And there are many more where that came from. That last question – “What is the end game” – fuels all the rest. I will talk about that more in future posts.

For now, answer those questions.

28 Replies to “The Lamley Stream of Consciousness Questions: How do you collect? Why do you enjoy it? What do you hate about it? What is your end game?”

  1. I collect because I’ve always had a love for cars. I’m loyal to hot wheels because I started in my childhood, and completing other brands is too expensive. I rarely participate in raffles. I rarely resell and almost always only buy 1 of a car if I see multiple in stores.

  2. Great post. The topic of collecting has come up a few times on here. I started collecting with my sons when they were 7 and 5. HWs was a cheap way to say yes to a toy when you go shopping. I couldn’t find any exotic cars, Ferraris or Lamborghini and that lead me down the rabbit hole of finding sought after hyped models. I resist now and then, due to my diecast addiction interventions with local collectors. But still I buy 2 or 5 of the same car hoping I can flip them to justify why I went to WM 10 days in a row. I refused to pay big money on these cars and kick myself when the values skyrocket on the ones I passed on. The models I collect never seem to be as popular. Now that the castings are getting so good, it’s even harder to walk away, but I know that having 2000 or more cars is not my thing. I’ll be happy with 150 loose cars and adding 10 -20 cars each year that I can acquire on the shelves or by trade. And no I don’t see myself selling the amazing gift of ROADRCR cars a friend got me a few years ago. Thanks for asking

  3. Started out by collecting HW Premium, then picked up some mainlines, then Mini GT (trying to stay away from “cool” supercars but their “factory fresh” ones are great), then Auto World (mainly square bodies but lately anything in the new releases that are neat). Made the mistake of buying a couple of Greenlight Hollywood cars, which got me chasing the rabbit hole and now my GL collection almost rivals my HW premium in size (certainly costs a lot more).

    I collect what I like, which, to quote championdjk, happens to be too much. I am in the process of downsizing my collection, and the non-rolling display pieces (TimeMicro, Tarmac, PGM, Inno64, M2) will likely be the first to go—I’m of course keeping a couple of really special ones (eg: Apple Inc 911 from Tarmac).

  4. My big reason to collect has always been some form of wish fulfillment: I can never have a Chiron or Jesko, and probably never will, but the toys are adequate substitutes that fuel my imagination. That extends to other cars that I collect, from the GT3 racers to the American muscle cars, Japanese tuners, Euro exotics and everything in between. I collect either because it’s the car I want IRL or because I can see a certain character driving this, be it a person or a team, fictional or not. That’s what dictated and keeps dictating my collection, not merely trends or #LamleyHype, though they certainly help in guiding my choices. Mostly because I only have so much money to burn.

    It’s why sites like T-hunted and other leakers are such godsends to me. Knowing what’s coming before they show up in retail stores means that I get to map out which cars to buy or to skip, which saves me money vs going in blind and waiting. So often, I buy maybe five or six cars every ten cases, and the mid-range/premium cars (Php280 to Php500) are “wait-n-see” stuff where timing is key. Recolours are even harder: if the stock colour looks good or the livery is personable, I reserve it. For me, there are very few actual “gotta have it” castings, and given that my budget is thin, every car I get must count. That has kept me away from things like MiniGT and Tarmac Works; they’re far too expensive and I don’t care for 2/3 of the lineups.

    With the right eye, however, I’ve actually found some older-issue MiniGT and Tarmac Works for way less than their old sticker price, and now I get why people love them. I still probably won’t be able to save up for it (“only buy something you can afford twice”, a wise man said), but of the examples I have now, it’s easy to see why someone will risk some more money for these.

    So far, I’ve gotten a new reason to keep collecting: because it actually pays off dividends every time I blog about it, or at least I can blog often enough that I can use the money I earn there to pay for the cars I collect and write about, even if they don’t drive as much traffic. DriveTribe (c/o Live and Let Diecast) gave me that outlet, and now I reckon it works so well as a self-sustaining loop. Even so, I still choose my battles: don’t bother with JDM unless it really is that good or it is characterful, and only seek out the cars that have stirred me for real, so my enjoyment doesn’t seem forced.

    Right now, my goal is to get a big display case for all of my unboxed cars to sit, mostly just so I can use the glass boxes that currently house them purely for the ones that still have a container (Tomica, some Majorette). Otherwise, I really just need to step up my photography game and save more time in editing. I use my collection as a conduit for telling stories, and I want to keep it that way for as long as i can hold on to them.

  5. What do you collect? – Any car that I think is cool – and very IMPORTANTLY – is real a replica (read: realistic looking). I only have loyalty to brands that produce either realistic replicas and/or cool toys (that are somewhat realistic). Quality in both the tool (does it resemble the real car) and the execution (quality control) are important to me. My favorite brands: 1. Mini GT. 2. Auto World. 3. Greenlight. 4. Tomica Limited Vintage. 5. Inno64. But I’ll buy any brand if I like the product.

    What makes you collect a new brand? – They produce cool replicas of real cars.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand? – I don’t really. But it would take poor casting quality or consistently bad quality control. Also I am seriously considering not being an RLC member anymore. The shiny paint bugs me as do the high prices. These cars are super overpriced compared to GL, AW, Tarmac, Inno, TLV etc – and not realistic looking. I think HW Premium is really good – and often better than RLC cars.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate? – Both. I care mostly about the cars – but also how the brand replicates. For instance, I like Mini GT and Auto World better than GreenLight because their models are higher quality (especially Mini GT). This is despite GL producing more cars (and liveries) that I want.

    What makes you angry about the hobby? – Nothing really. Some of vanity and pursuit of rare cars just because they are rare puzzles me – but I do understand why this happens. For example, why spend extra money for a car with red wheels just because it is rare (???). It is a bit frustrating that some collectors like to beat up on ‘scalpers’ and ‘bots’ but mostly this is simple Economics 101 – and most scalpers are other collectors that got their first. If you want rare cars then they will be HARD to find. That is the point. They will sell for more on eBay. They will get bought up and resold. There will be fierce competition. This is just supply and demand. I also find it strange this many seem to be fighting the transition to online buying. Retail in the US is quite awful (there are no toy stores – and big box stores are often far away, messy and restock infrequently). Buying online saves you the time you spend going to the store and saves you money spent on tolls, gas and car maintenance. For example, I see many complaints that AW is impossible to find in stores – and they are. But they are very easy to find online for reasonable prices.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby? – I enjoy the cars. I enjoy interacting with collectors (lots of great folks). I enjoy IG and Youtube. I enjoy new releases. I enjoy the art of the models. I enjoy owning cars I always wanted. I enjoy playing with the cars. I enjoy seeing how different brands evolve and how they replicate the same car.

    What makes you jealous? – I’m not really the jealous type. People who have great collections worked hard for them – often for many years. Their collections are well deserved.

    What makes you flex? – Never been into that.

    Do you like to show off your stuff? – I love the art, but I don’t show just to show.

    Would you rather keep your collection private? – Nah. Sharing is fun as there is a community. I love reading other peoples views on brands, releases and car art. I love seeing photography of people’s collections. I want to share in this way. I want to showcase beautiful and cool cars. I simply think cars have so much personality, so much history and so much beauty – and they signify freedom to me (go anywhere any time).

    Do you participate in raffles? – No. They often overprice the cars.

    Do you run them? – No

    Do you like raffles? – No, I’d prefer to just buy the car. Raffle prices are often priced too high anyway – and they take time. But hey, I’ve never gambled either.

    Are their models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament? – No. If things are dire it all goes. I built a collection from scratch before. I can do it again. Also even I only had money for $1 models I’d still collect them one at a time. Lots of great cheap models – and they are fun to play with. I play with my kids parking structures sometimes 🙂

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quite collecting? – Yes. It is yours so I would not feel bad. That said, if I got it from a buddy I’d explain and offer it back first – and I’d be reluctant to part with it.

    Do you see collecting as an investment? – No. If you want to invest put your money in a diversified index fund. Some diecast models increase in value but most simply maintain their value at best. Plus, diecast is a risky investment as you have to be careful with the collection and selling models is very expensive (ebay fees, shipping, packaging) – and very time consuming. After factoring these things in I doubt there is much money to be made even for the most astute. That said, diecast collecting at least returns something compared to many other hobbies.

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model? – Not at all. If the model is rare and sought after then prices go up. It is like that with all collectibles (paintings etc.).

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times? – YES. Storage and displaying is the biggest challenge. I really think diecast makers need to do more here. Asian brands are great with their boxed cars, but US makers have a long way to go. Also I wish there were more and better options for storing and displaying. If collectors get overwhelmed how can they buy more. I was shocked when I got into collecting by the lack of good options for storing loose premium cars. Jammers are okay for basic cars, but anything else doesn’t really work in there.

    I have to admit I’m still surprised that so many US collectors don’t open their cars. This may explain the lack of storage options for loose cars.

    Do you hate your collection at times? – No, but sometimes I think I’m an idiot for getting into this. I’ve been a car nut for a very long time – and I knew I’d get addicted to this so I did not buy my first model until I was 38. I just avoided it consciously – and I’m glad I did. Photography was a much more sensible hobby. It was expensive but it kept me active, well-traveled and more importantly the hobby took very little space and was easy to move around. Interestingly, the first four models I bought were not for me, but for my kid. These were six Siku cars (I was in Norway visiting my parents). My kid wasn’t interested so I put them on a shelf. I looked at them every day. Then I bought two more. I looked at them everyday. I really liked them. You know where this is going. These Siku models are mine now and it snowballed slowly.

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more? – No. But sometimes I try to buy early as prices sometimes go up. I do not buy for the scarcity, but because I like the model and want it – and don’t want to pay more later. At the beginning I’d sometimes buy hyped models even if I didn’t like them, but I don’t anymore. The last RLC I bought I knew I wouldn’t like was the Honda S2000. The color was horrible and the casting although not terrible, is not great. Now I’ve got Hobby Japan models that look great – and Mini GT may be doing one. Why did I buy that RLC piece? I almost didn’t. With the RLC BMW I resisted despite that generation M3 being on of my favorite real cars (again the colors was terrible in my view). I have been learning it seems.

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model? – I have, but I don’t anymore. I get multiples if I really like the model. Sometimes I want to photograph many of them or have many for a diorama. That said I was thinking about buying many of the TLV Porsche just announced as they are beautiful and probably will go up in value…

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model? – Using them for photography. For diorama use. Being able to find one without QC issues. Being able to keep one packaged. I open everything, but the packaging is sometimes so nice…

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection? – Mostly. But I need to sell stuff. And I need to figure out the display/storage situation. I’d love to have the Lamley situation (my collection fits in my office). That said I’d also like to have a basement man cave like WTFFOR.

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die? – No. If nobody wants it I need to deal with it well before I get to old so my family can at least get the value of the collection – and the models can go to good homes.

    Do you want to leave it for someone? – Maybe. If my kids are into it I’d give it to them. My kids have maybe 500 cars to play with now so maybe they will catch the bug. Otherwise I may give models to collector friends. Or sell it. If my kids don’t need the money I may give most of it away to good homes (read: passionate collector buddies).

    Why do you like seeing leaked models? – Because it is fun to see what is coming out!

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming? – Yes. I want to see it and play with it and photograph it. But both give me joy.

    Do you buy stolen models? – Not really, but I would if I wanted them. I’ll buy unlicensed too – I honestly think licensing laws are way to stringent. Diecast is car art. Car art should be protected to a greater extent. It is not like small model cars really threaten the brand equity or sales of car makers. I used to be into car t shirts and some car makers really go after artists. And the artists produce great work that otherwise would not exist.

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has? – No. I collect to have cool cars.

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist? – Yes, but social media is great for the hobby.

    What is the end game for your collection? – This is a really good question. I want to own all the cars I think are cool. Problem. I think a lot of cars are cool. Bigger problem – many of the cars I want are only available in bigger scales which an even bigger cost, storage and display nightmare. I really should never have bought any larger models but I did. Ahhh….

    I think my goal is to have my collection displayed and organized. I want to display with in a nice way (like people display art). I also want to be able to have a manageable collection and not spend too much money on it. Needless to say I am miles away from these goals. Tranquil collecting basically. I would like to produce videos showing my collections for other to enjoy.

    I really love these type of posts. Please do some more Youtube videos on it too if you have time. I love the videos about organizing, displaying, purging your collection.

    I also think what you are doing for the hobby is terrific and amazing (include any super superlatives here). Hopefully you stay inspired to continue doing it!

    Oh…and this post is ridiculously long, but you asked many questions and I enjoyed thinking about them and answering them so I just wrote stuff down 🙂

  6. What do you collect?
    Hot Wheels, Matchbox, M2, Greenlight, Johnny Lightning, Auto World, Schuco, Maisto, Kinsmart, Ebbro, Tomica… I don’t rule any brand out.

    What makes you collect a new brand?
    A unique model offering, or an underrepresented year of vehicle, a unique color or feature.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand?
    Overly repetitive releases of the same castings again and again.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate?
    Some brands stand out if you want to photograph them. Some brands have unique offerings at unique scales. A classic muscle car can look quite different at 1:87, 1:64, 1:55, 1:43, 1:36, 1:24 or 1:18 scale.

    What makes you angry about the hobby?
    I’m not angry about a hobby. Frustration? With Hot Wheels, the volume of fantasy castings vs the replicas of real vehicles still seems to be disproportionately in the favor of fantasy castings.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby?
    Finding cool cars and randomly giving them to my friends. A simple gesture like that doesn’t cost me much and it can bring out the kid in anyone. It’s fun to see people have fun. I’ve also started to give away portions of my collection to Toys For Tots during the holiday season.

    What makes you jealous?
    I’m not interested in jealousy. It’s not useful; a hobby should be fun.

    What makes you flex?
    ‘Flex’ is such a strange ego stroking thing… I don’t get it… sorry.

    Do you like to show off your stuff?
    Just to my friends that actually like cars.

    Would you rather keep your collection private?
    My neighbors certainly don’t know how many toys I have, but my close friends do.

    Do you participate in raffles?

    Do you run them?

    Do you like raffles?

    Are their (sic) models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament?
    There are. They are at my parents house in an old metal lunchbox. They are the toys from my youth.

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quite (sic) collecting?
    No, a few of them are sentimental.

    Do you see collecting as an investment?
    For myself, no. I don’t have children, but when I’m older, if my friends kids collect cars, I will gift them to the kids or if they are of real value, perhaps I could help fund their education. Or help them buy their first 1:1 scale car.

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model?
    No, it’s your money.

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times?
    Yes. My wife is certainly overwhelmed!

    Do you hate your collection at times?

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more?
    Not really. If I really like it and it’s hard to get and I miss the initial chance to purchase it there might still be another chance later.

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model?
    No, but I do have multiples of things my friends may want or I want to paint or modify in some way.

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model?
    Sometimes it’s nice to keep one in the packaging and have another to open.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection?
    Yes. I like to rotate different models onto my desk to enjoy.

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die?
    Hopefully not since I don’t have any children of my own, there won’t be anyone to be sentimental about them.

    Do you want to leave it for someone?
    Yes, friends kids or sell them to help those kids out a little if they need some help.

    Why do you like seeing leaked models?
    Personally, I don’t like it.

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming?
    Moreso. Getting a great model is exciting.

    Do you buy stolen models?
    Absolutely not. That’s not okay.

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has?
    Rare 1:1 stolen cars are not okay… what would make stolen 1:64 cars okay?

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist?
    I collected cars before there was the internet… so yes!

    What is the end game for your collection?
    One day I’d like to properly display them and have enough free time to photograph them all.

  7. What do you collect? 1:64 Primarily Nissan-Datsun-Infiniti, some Porsches and TV series Batmobiles
    What makes you angry about the hobby? Hoarders/resellers
    What do you enjoy about the hobby? Thrill of the hunt, anticipation
    Are their models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament? Certain special series (Japan Historics 1, STH)
    Do you see collecting as an investment? Sort of but not that it would pay off my mortgage!
    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model? Only if they may be variations or errors
    Do you want to still have your collection when you die? Yes
    Do you want to leave it for someone? Yes – but will they care?
    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming? Yes especially if what hard to find
    Do you buy stolen models? NEVER!
    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist? Yes
    What is the end game for your collection? Its just fun to admire the styles, colors, the hunt. I often wonder what to do with them all as they rest boxed up neatly in the basement. They are so small when you buy them one at a time but they sure add up after a while.

  8. What do you collect?
    Matchbox. Just Matchbox.

    What makes you collect a new brand?
    Nothing. If Matchbox were to stop making new items, I will continue collecting items to fill in the gaps in my collection.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand?
    Hopefully nothing. I have always stated if something disastrous were to happen 9say like a fire burned down my house) and I lost my collection, I don’t think I could start again. I think I would have to walk away and stop entirely.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate?
    Obviously I do. Matchbox is my brand. It is my team. I support them through the good times and bad. I will keep supporting them.

    What makes you angry about the hobby?
    Items being so limited where I am nowadays. Going to USA and seeing them in many different stores, many chains, multiple series all in abundance. Then i go to my stores. Literally, I walked in to my local Tesco last night after work. The only store in the UK that sells them. A few singles left, no 5-packs, no Skybusters, no Best of, a couple of 9-packs and playsets. They come in, they sell out. The space is left empty until they order another batch. When I was younger there was always a big display and it was never left empty. There would always be more stock ready to fill up when it dwindled.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby?
    The friendships I make with fellow collectors.

    What makes you jealous?
    Nothing really. This is a hobby. If I miss out on something I am happy for whoever got it that they will enjoy it.

    What makes you flex?

    Do you like to show off your stuff?
    I enjoy posting pictures on Instagram and here on the blog, so yes.

    Would you rather keep your collection private?
    Where’s the fun in that? If somebody is interested I am open to showing.

    Do you participate in raffles?

    Do you run them?
    Again nope.

    Do you like raffles?
    I have no feelings either way about them.

    Are their models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament?
    Yes. My Porsche Turbo collection, plus a few key other issues.

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quite collecting?
    Yes, if I was to quit collecting and sell it off, nothing is off the table, except as mentioned the few that I could not get rid of.

    Do you see collecting as an investment?
    No. I collect for enjoyment. All models get opened when I get them, and even on rarer stuff a few chips have appeared on them. I collect for fun, not for resale.

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model?
    No. Good luck to them. If they have the funds and they want to, go for it. If I had the funds I would.

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times?
    Occasionally, yes. 14,000 and something is a lot, and a few times I am going through things and think phew! This is too much. Take a break, do something else, clear my head I am usually okay.

    Do you hate your collection at times?

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more?
    No. I just want them all.

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model?
    Nope. Unless I see a variation I don’t want duplicates.

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model?
    Absolutely none. Hence me not wanting them.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection?
    No, I always want more.

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die?
    No. It is actually in my will what to do with it, and I have spoken with those who are getting them about what to do about getting rid of them.

    Do you want to leave it for someone?
    Oh yeah as I mentioned it is all in my will. My best friend inherits my collection upon my death and as she does not care for them, she can sell them. If anything happens to her, my niece gets them. Same again.

    Why do you like seeing leaked models?
    I don’t.

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming?
    Definitely. Once holding a model in hand I can really appreciate all the effort that went in to it. Something you can’t tell from pictures, 3D mock-ups etc.

    Do you buy stolen models?
    No. That’s wrong.

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has?
    Every collection is unique. We all have models nobody else has, we all have varied collections.

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist?
    I was collecting long before social media was even thought up so yes.

    What is the end game for your collection?
    There is none. I collect, collect, collect, die, my friend sells them.

  9. What do you collect?
    I love cars, and this is a very much affordable way I get to own pretty much any and all cars that I desire.

    What makes you collect a new brand?
    Better quality or more realistic castings.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand?
    Bad quality, not readily available or if it becomes too expensive.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate?
    Just the cars they replicate if it’s excellent I want it.

    What makes you angry about the hobby?
    Scalpers and not being able to get the car I want because stock is either limited or already sold out. When they put price tag on front of card covering some card art!!!

    What do you enjoy about the hobby?
    Being able to have, see and sometimes touch the car and imagining it is a real car.

    What makes you jealous?

    What makes you flex?

    Do you like to show off your stuff?
    Sometimes, if people want to see them.

    Would you rather keep your collection private?
    Makes no difference to me

    Do you participate in raffles?

    Do you run them?

    Do you like raffles?

    Are their models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament?

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quite collecting?

    Do you see collecting as an investment?

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model?

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times?

    Do you hate your collection at times?

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more?
    Not necessarily, depends if it is something that I really want.

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model?
    No, one is enough for me.

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model?
    Don’t have multiples

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection?

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die?

    Do you want to leave it for someone?

    Why do you like seeing leaked models?
    Lets me know what’s coming out

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming?
    Yes more joy

    Do you buy stolen models?

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has?

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist?
    Probably yes

    What is the end game for your collection?
    There is no end game for me, I want to collect for the rest of my life getting any and all models that I want and like that I’m able to get.

  10. What do you collect?
    Primarily toy vehicles that I find cool or interesting in real life, like super cars, coupes, sedans and off-road capable SUVs. Sometimes a fantasy casting calls my attention.

    What makes you collect a new brand?
    Seeing pictures or videos from a product that show good proportions, nice details and features (if available). That’s why I started collecting a few Majorettes, Tomicas and Sikus.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand?
    The shipping prices. Locally I’m able to find Hot Wheels and Matchbox relatively easy, but the other brands have to be purchased and shipped from far away, making it difficult to continue collecting them.
    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate?
    I care more about the specific car rather than the brand itself.

    What makes you angry about the hobby?
    The prices set by resellers for some cars, charging way more for real car castings or movie cars.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby?
    The passion and love that most of the community has for toy cars, sharing memories about our childhoods.

    What makes you jealous?
    The low prices that US has for mainlines and even premium cars. In my country a mainline costs more than $2 an a premium (the very few times they get stock) costs more than $10.

    What makes you flex?
    Watching pictures or videos for a casting of a car that I really like and won’t cost too much to buy and ship. Majorette’s Deluxe Mustang GT is a good example of this, it looked so nice that I had to get it.

    Do you like to show off your stuff?
    I do post pictures to share from time to time, I might share more when I have a better camera.

    Would you rather keep your collection private?
    Not really, sharing it makes you part of the community.

    Are there models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament?
    My Super Treasure Hunts (64 Buick Riviera, Lancer Evolution X and BMW Z4 Motorsport), a couple of Boulevard cars (Vector W8 and Porsche 933 GT2) and Deluxe Majorettes (Land Rover 110, Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen and Mustang GT). Also some older Hot Wheels castings with metal bases (68 Mustang, Shelby Cobra 427 S/C, Ford GT-90 and Isuzu VehiCROSS). These are all cars that I really enjoy.

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quit collecting?
    Yes, I would only keep a few special ones and would sell the rest.

    Do you see collecting as an investment?
    Is something that I enjoy doing, never treated it as an investment.

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model?
    A bit. Is ludicrous for a toy car to be sold for so much.

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times?
    Thankfully no. I’m very selective on what vehicles I will add and which ones I won’t buy. As an example I have ran into several RX-7 (the first generation version) and Datsun 510s, but since I don’t like any of those, I didn’t buy them.

    Do you hate your collection at times?
    Since I’m careful to only get cars that I like, I don’t hate it.

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more?
    No, those opinions don’t affect the way I choose which ones to get.

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model?
    Nope, I only need one. Maybe if I get into customizing, I would buy more.

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model?
    I do sometimes get more cars of the same casting, but this happens if a new color version is made which looks better than the one I have, like the Custom 240Z. I bought the orange version but when the blue “Kaido House” color was shown, I had to get it.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection?
    I’m pretty satisfied with the cars I have.

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die?
    I would leave my collection way before that, hopefully.

    Do you want to leave it for someone?
    All for my son.

    Why do you like seeing leaked models?
    It generates excitement for the upcoming car.

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming?
    It gives a ton more of joy to finally have it in hand, since there is no guarantee that the announced model will be easy to find at retail.

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist?
    Yes, I would buy the cars I like regardless of opinions or collectability bias.

    What is the end game for your collection?
    For me to enjoy it and share the hobby with my son.

  11. What do you collect? This question has evolved over the years, and I’ve purged several small collections time and again. Right now I am TRYING to stay focused on rally cars, because that has been a fascination with me since I first saw the Dakar 959 as a kid. When Hot Wheels released that model in Car Culture last year, I knew my resistance was futile.

    What makes you collect a new brand? Although I’m still trying to get over premium prices (which has always kept me away from TLV, for example), I’m broadening my horizons based on offerings first, and then quality/details.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand? Availability. Hype. Nothing that fits my niche.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate? I hold childhood nostalgia for Hot Wheels, but my eyes are opening to what’s out there, and I find myself only paying attention to brand at t his point so I know hoe to go looking on eBay.

    What makes you angry about the hobby? Forced scarcity. Man-babies crying about said forced scarcity. Chases (see a pattern?). But all that is really, really minor.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby? Being able to look at a line of cars on my desk or shelf, play with them in an idle moment, and think about the real life models they represent.

    What makes you jealous? People who were paying attention when I wasn’t! That comes right now from the recent articles that showed some CM Lancias…

    Are there models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament? At this point no, even if I might regret it someday. But then my collection is tiny at the moment.

    Do you see collecting as an investment? No, and I’ve never recouped my initial spending on any “collectible” I’ve ever sold.

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model? Hey, it’s their money.

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more? Only if it’s something that would fit the focus of my collection, especially if I’m trying to complete a casting.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection? Any time I glance at my shelf. Sure, I know there are pieces I “need,” but I like what I’ve got.

    Why do you like seeing leaked models? So I know what to be on the lookout for in the stores.

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming? Absolutely, if not more so.

    What is the end game for your collection? Right now I’m just tickling some nostalgia and indulging in some escapism, nothing more.

  12. Well, i started collecting since 6 years old (im 14 now) i live in south america so cars dosent come to often here, we are stuck on that blue chiron, premium cars NEVER came here and prices for only 1 car are 5 usd. We need to import them from USA or wait 1 or more years to come here. The other reason is, i will never ever see a chiron or an agera rs, here we dont see a lot only cheap ferraris, lambos or porches, and i want to create my own company of hypercars so i need to understamd these cars so i can know what i need to do. So thats it, i didnt replies to all because i werent thinking of making these large.

    Thanks a lot Lameley, of maintaing me and a lot of people up to date with diecast world

  13. Too many questions to answer without writing a book. I guess i am starting my end game. I have too many cars and they will just be a burden to my family after I am gone. At stores the checker often asks if I am a collector since I rarely check out with less than a half dozen cars. I always joke and tell them, yes, please help me stop. So yeah, it is an addiction. I keep my massive collection at another house out of town from where I live and work. Space is not really limited. When I visit, once a month and get to go to the local show where many other collectors selling are also in their end game, is when I get to actually see and enjoy what I have. Over the past year I have rummaged through and found stuff I did not know I had, or at least did not remember. Like, there is no reason to buy any new stuff since I can just explore what i already have. In my end game, I will be trying to spreadsheet what all I have, and then decide what to try and sell first. It will be like having another job. As far as continued collecting, I stopped really hunting at least a decade ago. Once in awhile I am still on the hunt. Now I am looking for the latest hw blvd. I share my diecast enthusiasm with a few locals I usually only see at the store. Like, if one of them is at the store, that means new stuff is coming in. I trade and give away extras. The end of Kdays cramped my style and I have not been interested in trading on the new social media. That raffle thing looks interesting though. Some things I won’t get rid of, so they will probably end up being found for next to nothing someday. The love hate part is very real for me. If I could walk away today with just the money I put into finding all the cars i have, I would be happy to move on to other things I enjoy. That is, collecting and everything that goes with it, is an enormous sacrifice of other things, especially time. I could spend over an hour just going through my camaros. I could spend almost that long just going through lambos, much less ferrari’s. I will have to take pics of all of them? Lord help me!

  14. I like collecting vehicles I feel are significant, while not being dogmatic. Trying to be a little more selective. Accuracy matters, but above all capturing the “essence” of the vehicle. I also enjoy finding vehicles that are off the beaten track, like a Citroen DS Break, a Fiat 2300S, the Lamborghini Espada, or the Jensen Interceptor. We are currently enjoying a splendid era of toy cars, which is a luxury to be thankful for. What bothers me is that retail outlets are picked clean on speculation, and the only way to find certain cars is to go online and expect to pay through the nose. I’ve been told that people work at Walmart for free just to get to the boxes first.

    I am not a fan of co-branding, and the whole notion of candy advertised on toys is repulsive.

    If anybody is listening, I would like to see themes such as:
    – Royal Wheels
    – 60’s Europe
    – Grand Touring
    – India
    – Sultan of Brunei’s Garage
    – Pininfarina

    This blog has helped me immensely in learning more about the passion, and the business of toy cars, and I appreciate all the contributors’ dedication. It has also caused me to spend much more on this hobby, for which I am thankful.

  15. Collecting is something I’ve always done and can’t imagine not doing it. My mother collected Matchbox as a kid, and Hot Wheels from 1968 onwards, and started me on the same path. She gave me her Sweet 16 Custom Volkswagen, and it’s the crown jewel of my collection. Which is a nice lead into to what I collect, which is. . . whatever I like. Primarily aircooled Volkswagens, but also the Shelby Daytona Coupe, early Mustangs, aircooled Porsches, classic trucks, classic British sports cars, Alfa Romeos, Mercedes, Saabs, Volvos, Gulf livery, Texaco livery, Mooneyes livery, Matchbox National Parks livery, anything Star Wars or Marvel related, anything that resembles a salt flats racer, Batman vehicles, Speed Racer, Grave Digger, Coca-Cola brands, tow trucks/flatbeds/transporters, a specific shade of green. . . that’s just the stuff I consistently collect. I’ll buy a random rat rod or supercar or gimmicky Hot Wheels original or Disney character car if it appeals to me in some way. But one thing I love is creating matching sets. That’s easy with certain liveries or the Team Transport series, but I love when a brand releases a car in a certain colour and stripe combo or an original livery, and then years later do the same thing on a different car. I love grouping cars together that way. Or creating little race teams. Or creating my own themed shelves, like aircraft-inspired cars or streamliners or Halloween cars or a vintage beach party.

    I’ve never been really picky about brands, but most of my stuff is Hot Wheels or Matchbox simply because that’s what’s widely available to me and affordable. I can’t afford the super high-end stuff, nor do I like shopping online. I prefer to find the cars myself and inspect them before I buy. The only “brands” I avoid are the super-cheap generic no-name cars, because I’m not wasting my time/money/display space on junk. Usually I buy 1:64 because I prefer having a large variety of small cars rather than being limited to a small selection of bigger cars, but I still have a decent amount of stuff up to 1:18.

    I don’t care about mistakes or variations or rarity or value or anything beyond whether I think it looks cool and I can fit into my absurdly large collection. There’s certain stuff I collect that happens to be very popular, and if I find it, great. I take what I need and leave the rest for my fellow collectors, or maybe a lucky kid that finds it before the scalpers. If not, I’m disappointed but I move on. I’m not that obsessed that I camp out at the front doors every morning so I can raid the aisles of new arrivals. I just like casually hunting for the things I like to add to my collection.

  16. Hoooo Boy! Great topic and questions! Traditionally, I’ve always collected a variety of new and vintage brands/types of vehicles with Hotwheels redlines (until the last couple of years) being the priority. I don’t really like collecting as an investment, which leads to hoarding, which then leads to being stuck with them or having to dump them for a fraction of what you originally paid. Been there, done that. Needless to say, I don’t envy anyone with a very large collection. I’m now in the process of paring down my own. I regret MAYBE two of the ones I’ve parted with lately, and I don’t lose any sleep over them.

    Other personal observations:

    Going more for realism these days. LOVE TLV. I was like a street corner junkie doing my diecast thing. Then John introduces me to TLV Ferraris. It’s like, “Hey man, try some of this sh..”

    Mini GT is kicking ASS…best bang for your money out there…

    I get pretty angry about poor QC, especially wheels and paint.

    I collect only cars that interest me, not diecast brands. I don’t like every song by my favorite artists…

    I just can’t imagine keeping everything in the package. All that cardboard….

    If it doesn’t roll, it ain’t mine…

    Unless a car really appeals to me, I could care less about the hype. I don’t get the “Supreme” thing. Is it supposed to be better because their logo is on it? Does rarer mean better? This, too, shall pass….

    As for the bots, there’s always the chance that the buyers will choke on the multiples of cars they bought. Think of the guys at your local diecast show forlornly packing up all the multiples and sets they didn’t sell….

    I don’t buy sets. Like buying an album, there’s always a couple of dud songs…

    No offense, but I just cannot get into Euro rally cars. They’re the soccer of the diecast world. Either you’re into them, or you’re not.

    Even if social media didn’t exist, I would still collect. I probably wouldn’t buy or sell as much, either.

    No real end game, but yes, I do have some cars that will always stay with me no matter what.

  17. I love that you occasionally do these existential posts, John. I also liked the one you did last year, called Wait, is diecast collecting boring now?. It’s important with an addictive hobby like this to stop and take stock for a few minutes, every now and then. Especially in these daft times, which amazingly are still with us today.
    I’m gonna just cut to the chase here, and zoom in on your last but driving question. What is my end game? What a great question.
    For me, the answer is: it depends. I was a childhood collector who stopped collecting in my early teens. I don’t have that first collection anymore, as I allowed my then young nephews to play with them, to have them, and they were pretty rough with them, I’m told. Never mind, I don’t miss those cars much. I restarted collecting at the tail end of 2019, as my young son approached age 3 where he could play with HW & MBX meaningfully. I’ve been hooked ever since, amassing what is rapidly approaching 1,000 models (I guess). My son loves his cars too, and I am enjoying the slow burning years now until he hits his teens to see where his interest in these toy cars goes. If he stays with, I will too, until I die at which time I will leave my collection to him. If he doesn’t, then there will come a time when I will sell my collection. Sometime between when I retire (c2034) and when I die.
    Meanwhile, the cars are not an investment for me. I collect what I like, and those tastes have already changed a few times in the 1.5 years I’ve been back in the hobby. I like to think I am documenting the key events in automotive history with 1:64 models, mainly at the toy end of the market.
    And in these current times of Covid19, it’s therapy for me. I will continue for maybe another 10 years before I reassess.
    Meanwhile, keep the existential diecast collecting blog posts coming. And the wilderness unboxing videos! I loved the Comb Ridge one earlier today. So serene. Big fan of your work.

  18. It seems that the person who wrote this article is searching for answers for himself. Your position in this hobby is unique to most of us. You are also a spokesperson for the manufacturers. That requires more commitment than most. We all go through highs and lows in our hobbies. I have several that I cycle through.

    Thank you for your videos about new product. Your artistic style definitely show. Several imitators on the web attempt to duplicate what you do.

    What do you collect? Mostly Hot Wheels with some Matchbox, Johnny Lightning, Tomica, Mini GT, and others. Most of my collection is related to sports cars and racing.

    What makes you collect a new brand? There are a few cars from several brands because of a particular car model specific to that brand.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand? It has more to do with the car model than the brand.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate? Mostly the cars.

    What makes you angry about the hobby? Nothing that I comes to me at the moment.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby? Car models that bring back memories of events from the past.

    What makes you jealous? There are several car models I would like to have, but realistically will not. That’s just the way it is.

    What makes you flex? My collection is for my own enjoyment and my family. Not much on boasting or publicizing.

    Do you like to show off your stuff? Not much.

    Would you rather keep your collection private? It is for the most part.

    Do you participate in raffles? Do you run them? Do you like raffles? No

    Are there models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament? Probably the models I’ve had the longest. Ones that have sentimental value to me but very little monetary value.

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quit collecting? Yes

    Do you see collecting as an investment? No

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model? No. It’s economics. You buy what you can afford.

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times? Yes

    Do you hate your collection at times? No

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more? No.

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model? I have many of one particular model, but not necessarily hyped or desirable to others.

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model? Future plans for customization.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection? Yes

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die? No.

    Do you want to leave it for someone? Only if someone wants it.

    Why do you like seeing leaked models? There is no reason for it.

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming? Yes

    Do you buy stolen models? No to my knowledge.

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has? No. Don’t think I have anything that unique.

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist? Yes

    What is the end game for your collection? That is yet to be determined.

  19. Those are interesting questions. A short answer.

    I collect pickup trucks 1/64 just for fun. There are now about 300 (freed) models in my collection. A new model will be added to the collection as long as the combination model manufacturer and car brand is unique, and if the price is below US $ 15.

    Variations in details like colors or tampos are of no interest to me. Paying a lot of money for a rare model is out of the question. That keeps me from being overwhelmed.

    A selection of about 120 cars are on display, to be able to enjoy the nicest ones every day. Regular scanning of online blogs, and shops has made me aware of some 20 new truck toolings for 2021. Looking forward to add them to my collection.

  20. What do you collect?
    I collect Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and Auto World. I do also have some Greenlight, Johnny Lightning, and a sprinkle of Racing Champions. Only real castings, I have no desire for fantasy crap. I love JDM, European classics, station wagons, muscle cars, sports cars, vintage pickups, exotic cars. Essentially, there’s not a lot that I don’t like.

    What makes you collect a new brand?
    If the new brand goes the extra mile on execution and makes vehicles that are rarely made in 1/64 scale. Also, if the distribution allows us to find them, then I will start collecting them. A great example is when Auto World came into play.

    What makes you stop collecting a brand?
    If I can’t find that brand at the store anymore or if it gets to a point where it’s getting too expensive. For example, I love Greenlight’s but they are extremely hard to find considering Walmarts and very few Targets carry them anymore. Also, buying a car for $6.00 doesn’t seem to make financial sense when I can buy five or six Hot Wheels for the same price.

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate?
    I care about the cars they replicate and how accurate and quality built the car is.

    What makes you angry about the hobby?
    SCALPERS! They literally make this hobby a chore instead of a pleasure! They’re the reason why I walk out of stores empty handed a lot! I just want to be able to easily find what I want at any time of day. I understand early bird gets the worm, but it’s just downright greed to buy anything that’s highly sought after and literally leave nothing behind for honest collectors who just want one.

    What do you enjoy about the hobby?
    I enjoy the hunt! I love driving, whether it’s in town or out of town, to find what I really want. Also, that feeling that you get when you finally found something you’ve been craving. Also, finding a Super Treasure Hunt, chase piece, etc., there’s no better feeling in the world. Especially when you beat the scalpers who specialize in finding them before you do.

    What makes you jealous?
    When I can’t find something that everyone else is finding, no matter how many times I check the stores on a weekly or daily basis. For example, going on Youtube and watching everyone find a new batch of Matchbox, Hot Wheels Car Culture, Fast and Furious set, etc. while I can’t find them because of lousy distribution in my area or scalpers always beating me to the punch.

    What makes you flex?
    When I beat the system and actually find something that no one else has found yet. For example, going to Publix and finding a brand new batch of mainlines that literally no other person has found yet. Then I go home, post a video on Youtube as the first person to post a video of these new cars.

    Do you like to show off your stuff?
    Yes and no. Yes, I do post videos on Youtube every once in a while only to show what is out there. Also, it’s great for collectors who may have not seen these cars yet and want to know what to look out for. No because I don’t feel comfortable showing off each and every one of my cars for privacy. Plus, not everyone is interested in what I have to show.

    Would you rather keep your collection private?
    No. I want people to see how I collect. I don’t want to keep it totally hidden like a cave dweller.

    Do you participate in raffles?

    Do you run them?
    Of course not.

    Do you like raffles?
    Hell no! I have no desire for raffles. I’d rather find cars in store or not at all. I’m not interested in competing with other people over one lousy car.

    Are there models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament?
    Who doesn’t have models they would never get rid of. For me it would any of my JDM or European castings! Anything Nissan, Honda, Porsche, VW, Subaru, etc. are not going anywhere! Also, anything Car Culture or Fast and Furious premium is not going anywhere! Same goes for my Auto Worlds! I love them too much and they’re too expensive to suddenly get rid of.

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quit collecting?
    I’ve already sold parts of my collection for the past five years. I only do it when I’m sick of something that I’ve had for so long or when I decide to myself that I can live without this particular item.

    Do you see collecting as an investment?
    Absolutely. The prices on eBay and TheToyPeddler prove it. Super Treasure Hunts and chase pieces go crazy on these sites and of course I want to take advantage of it. If I decide that I don’t want a particular Super anymore or limited edition anymore, I will go and sell it on eBay as an investment. This way I have some extra money in my bank account or I can use it on cars that I actually want.

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model?
    That’s their prerogative.

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times?
    Everyday I’m reminded of how overwhelming it is. All I have to do is look in my closet that’s taken over by totes and storage bins full of cars, top to bottom!

    Do you hate your collection at times?
    As overwhelming as it can be, I can never say I hate it. This is my stress relief. Being surrounded by the cars I love keeps me happy and sane!

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more?
    For the most part, no. If I can’t find it, then so be it. I’ll move on. Or I’ll just find it in good time. I’m a firm believer in the phrase, “Good things come to those who wait.”

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model?
    If I do, just two. That’s all I need. One recent example is the ’97 Honda Prelude. I absolutely love this casting and can’t just live with one. So, I got two silver ones, two blue ones, and two yellow ones. It’s one of those castings that came out so well that I just have to have another one. In some cases, I get one to open to physically hold in my hands and one to keep in the package.
    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model?
    Just like the last question, I have one to physically hold in my hand and one to keep mint in the package.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection?
    Of course. I’m 23 years old and have been collecting for the past 11 years. Not too many people this young can claim that. That makes me very satisfied.

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die?

    Do you want to leave it for someone?
    I guess so. It’s a tough question to ask.

    Why do you like seeing leaked models?
    So that way I know exactly to look for. Honestly, I would hate to walk into a store not knowing what I’m looking for. I want to know ahead of time. Plus, it’s just fun to see what releases are always lurking around the corner.

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming?
    Absolutely. You can only look at it on a computer screen for so long until you finally get it on hand. This way you can claim that you actually have it.

    Do you buy stolen models?
    No. I’m not a criminal.

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has?
    No. It would be an uncomfortable feeling knowing that it’s stolen.

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist?
    Yes. If anything, social media ruins it. I could care less of what collectors and scalpers are posting online. I just go out there and hunt with no additional aid from social media.

    What is the end game for your collection?
    I would love to have my entire collection perfectly organized by year, series, colors, or vehicle makes. Right now, my bins and totes are just a mish mash of cars with no sense of organization. I would also love to downsize so I never feel overwhelmed and to get some money back in the process. I know some will say that you will never get your money back, but something is better than nothing in my book.

  21. What do you collect? 1/64 Mustangs

    What makes you collect a new brand? It produces a Mustang

    What makes you stop collecting a brand? If they made a Mustang I don’t stop

    Do you even care about brands, or just the cars they replicate? Just Mustangs

    What makes you angry about the hobby? Nothing

    What do you enjoy about the hobby? The hunt for unique Mustangs old and new.

    What makes you jealous? Nothing

    What makes you flex? Flexeril

    Do you like to show off your stuff? sparingly

    Would you rather keep your collection private? mostly

    Do you participate in raffles? nope

    Do you run them? nope

    Do you like raffles? nope

    Are there models you would never get rid of, no matter what your predicament? Nope

    Should you be able to sell anything, even something given to you as a gift, if you decide to quit collecting? Sure why not?

    Do you see collecting as an investment? No

    Does it make you angry that someone would pay thousands for one model? Only the wife if she bought a Camaro thinking it was a Mustang.

    Does your collection overwhelm you at times? Sometimes

    Do you hate your collection at times? Never

    If a model is considered hard-to-get do you want it more? No

    Do you try and get many of one particular hyped model? No

    What joy do you get by having multiples of the same model? It’s a Mustang, 1 or a million is a joy.

    Do you ever feel satisfied with your collection? No

    Do you want to still have your collection when you die? No

    Do you want to leave it for someone? No

    Why do you like seeing leaked models? I don’t

    Does finally acquiring a new model give you as much joy as learning that it is coming? More

    Do you buy stolen models? My attorney said don’t answer, it’s a trap…lol No, if it is stolen I don’t want it.

    Do you like them because you have something no one else has?

    Would you still be collecting if social media didn’t exist? Lol, I started collecting when Social Media was pen pals.

    What is the end game for your collection? To be a museum piece

  22. Well lets start with question one, I might ramble a bit but I have loved cars since I was a kid and I have 40+ years into this.

    1. A lot of brands and more every day as things go. I do prefer diecast not resin as play value comes into play for me.
    2. Lots of detail and new models or new versions of older models that are better.
    3. Constant reuse of poor models. This isn’t just me as some brands are gone not just by my not buying them over the years.
    4. No, I buy per models even a poor cast to just get the model. If i can not recognize the model that one will never get bought.
    5. The constant complaining of not finding things and it must be scalpers. I hunt all the time and order on line as well. Where i live it is pretty easy to find things if you look. In the next big city over it is really hard to find things if you do not look first thing in the morning or right at closing, there is definitely more collectors looking for the newest shipments. I could find more but I like to go to bed at reasonable times. People really need to get off their butts and look. Some networking would work too, this is harder as greed and selfishness seem to be a rampant problem. What people act like is the manufactures make limited amounts but really they make lots of the models we want, they want us to get what the produce nothing is out of reach(ok. Hot wheels RLC truly sucks) but besides that everything is out there.
    6. I like looking for new models and the variety coming out is crazy good. It must be the 3d printing because the realism and amount of new cars coming is just nuts. Plus your never to old to play with your toys.
    7. That s an interesting question. I do suffer from that from time to time but money still does nt grow on trees so I live with it, plus I just chalk it up to I still have plenty that others don t have so be it.
    8. If its really well done. Damn you Tomica and the limited vintage, premium and main lines. Majorette with only over seas sales. And now Almost real blind box land rover defender models, I bought two cases and billed them to my credit card.
    9. To a couple of my friends that collect as well, but that s it.
    10. No, but its my thing so its what I do
    11. Not really, I do nt buy lottery tickets either.
    13. Not my thing
    14. Yep, I don t know exactly it would take some time. But if the hobby just stopped and nothing ever was produced again I have enough to keep me busy for ever.
    15. Sell what you want whenever you want. Wha ts stopping you, if it bothers you then give it back.
    16. Hell no its just for fun. If and when I sell anything it will be just to hopefully get my money back, if you buy just to invest and make money its not a hobby its a job. I have one of those already.
    17. No, even if I had the money to blow some things are just ridiculous to buy. That s why some chase cars or models I just pass on as soon as the price gets crazy, there s no fun in it then.
    18. yes. I do get a little out there when I am looking to find things but its more about I am not enjoying what I have in my hunt for the next model to pick up.
    19. No but I do wish things would slow down a little so I can enjoy what I have.
    20. Sure, but its more of a can I find it before it gets too expensive challenge I play.
    21. Not always, some don t fit my collection or interest.
    22. See answer 14.
    23. I will have my collection when I die its my hobby why would I get rid of something because I am going to die. I plan on enjoying my life to the end. My wife on the other hand will just give it away to who ever comes and takes it the sooner the better.
    24. If my kid wants it, probably to sell, see above.
    25. Yes, its fun to see whats coming, especially with everything that s being produced.
    26. More so. In hand is so cool, knowing what s coming is nice to, but in hand, YES
    27.No, and I hope I haven’t. Copy right laws, yea probably have but I can not tell from listings. I do only buy online from established dealers or from ebay, there has to be some control on these platforms.
    28. Blank
    29. Yes, I would definitely have less but It would be just like when I was younger, and would have to hit more trade shows and such to find new stuff. Plus not knowing something new is out nothing lost if I do not know about it.
    30. That would be the day I die so no end in site for me. Like I said earlier I have more than I can consume in my lifetime without adding more. I would just have more time to enjoy and play with what I have.

    And thats enough time for bed. There are new matchbox and M2 and greenlight and much more to look for tomorrow.

  23. It’s been a long time, John! Since I dumped most of my collection back in 2018, most of these questions no longer apply. I will say this: it was the scalping that killed it for me. The chase was fun at first, but a few of the neighborhood “collectors” made it pretty much impossible to find just about anything. Once the fun was gone, that was game over for me. I very much enjoyed meeting and hanging out with guys like you, Ace, and Omar. That was the best part of the hobby for me. The anxiety that trying to find the latest piece for my collection, however, became very real. You spoke of emotion and I must be an emotional collector because it was ultimately the undoing for me.

    I have gone back to my method of collecting from the early 2000s: I only buy what strikes me when I see it. I don’t follow the blogs or the ‘grams anymore; I like the surprise of finding something that I didn’t know existed. It’s a much more fulfilling way for me to collect. And with that, the stress of it all melts away and is replaced with satisfaction.

    Oh, I still keep current on the Tomica Premium line…that won’t stop. And I buy the occasional TLV and MiniGT, too. Those are fantastic models.

    Take care!
    Rick (formerly @ut_rick and @collectioncollages)

  24. Rather than answer the long list of questions, I’ll just share a short list of advice:

    Keys to happiness with collecting

    – Don’t just buy into the latest fad, particularly movie-related or show-related diecast. All those gaudy tampos will just be annoying in later years.

    – Do pick a certain category of cars to collect; classic muscle, modern JDM, construction, etc. And choose only 1 or 2 brands. It’ll automatically limit your excesses and you’ll be happier in the long run.

    – For most models, having only one is sufficient. For *any* model, three is the maximum you need (one to open, one to trade, one to hoard…).

    – Do spend time sorting, cataloging, boxing and even playing with your cars. It’s the second best thing after the joy of a successful hunt, and it gives you a good idea of the cars you have and direction your collection is going.

    This is how I collect, after 20 years at it…


  25. Yes to all those questions. I love collecting. I collect normal everyday cars the most though and to the selling ones yeah try it. I would be sitting on a porch with a sign saying stay the FUCK AWAY from my collection. I collect i do not sell and just recently started collecting greenlights since they have trucks i would want and have a wide variety of trailers so there. I will add more when im on my laptop now unfortunately this does not use the name I use for literally EVERYTHING oh and forgot to add. I am Ford Explorer fanatic ok ok I talk about it alot David Tilly if you see this I am 2012 Ford Explorer on the garage

    2020 Ford Explorer ST

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