Another Tomica Limited Vintage model not called Ferrari: Toyota Celica 1800GT-T

Moving to the next model in my random perusal through my Tomica Limited Vintage collection. Consider this another dart to throw at the dartboard to see what sticks.

It all sticks for me. Tomica Limited Vintage can’t do a model I won’t collect, because the fun is in the various directions it goes, from the very popular like Ferraris and Super Silhouettes to the more obscure or passed over. No matter what TLV does, it will be high quality, and it will fit in the collection.

So for today I picked a Toyota Celica. The Celica isn’t exactly obscure, but this version might not be the first model you think of.

TLV, in pure TLV fashion, jumped on the early to mid-80’s 3rd Gen Celica. They have done several versions, and I am particularly fond of this version in light blue.

Cool right? The beauty is in its blandness, plus how well executed it is. Another random model to put on the list. I’ve got another picked out for the next feature. Already photographed too. This is fun.

(Finds Tomica Limited Vintage at Japan Booster)

2 Replies to “Another Tomica Limited Vintage model not called Ferrari: Toyota Celica 1800GT-T”

  1. I now dare you to seek out Tomica Premium. It’s a step below TLV but above their Basic line, and I tell you now: they’re the best die-cast in the world dollar-for-dollar. They still have a definite toy quality that keeps them fairly inexpensive compared to other brands and lines, but they look like truly collector-grade models that hold value quite well. It’s what I’ve been looking for in a die-cast line, and their releases have something for everyone.

  2. Are you going to do a post on the Gloria Super Six (TLV-174a) I think it captures pretty much everything great about this brand (Interesting selection,amazing detail, JDM, great quality) in one car.

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