Variation Alert: 2017 Hot Wheels BMW M4 with lace wheels being found at Target…

Lamley Reader Andrew Hoffsommer came emailed me to report this fantastic find:

On the bottom is the standard release of the 2017 Hot Wheels BMW M4 in blue, with J5 wheels.  On top of that however, is the gem.  The same M4, only with lace wheels.

While my pursuit for wheel variations has tailed off a bit, they always pique my interest.  Especially wheel variations like this one – on a model I really like, with wheels that REALLY look good.  This is definitely on the want list now, especially as someone who really loves this casting.

Andrew found two lace wheel Bimmers among a pegged D Assortment at his local Target .  There were also standard J5 models mixed in as well.  Since Andrew sent the pics I have seen a couple of mismatched J5/Lace wheel errors found, so this suggests to me this is more a quick variation than a running change.

I of course could be wrong, and a slew of lace wheel Bimmers could pop up, but when you see mismatched errors being found as well, that suggests a quick wheel fill-in on the Hot Wheels production line.  They temporarily ran out of J5 wheels and just used the lace wheels until they could fill the J5 box again.  That is usually what makes a rare wheel variation.  We will see if that is in the case.  Only time will tell.

Thanks Andrew for sharing!

And while we are here, I did post this to Instagram as well:


It doesn’t look like either will be rare, but they will most likely be exclusive to multipacks.  If you don’t care about wheel variants, both models will be hitting in the E Case assortments I believe…

6 Replies to “Variation Alert: 2017 Hot Wheels BMW M4 with lace wheels being found at Target…”

  1. I initially recoiled at the lace wheels on the M4, but you know what? I think those might be the equal of the J5. I definitely wouldn't expect those to look good on the M4 but they really work. Guess I'll hit up Target after work…maybe I'll get lucky.

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