Finds like this don’t happen every day…

Four years in December ago I was traveling for work through a rural part of Utah.  This small town had a Kmart (since closed), and after dinner I decided to stop by to see if there was anything interesting.

I was surprised to see a small dump bin near the toy aisle, and a peg tree on wheels next to that.  I had never seen a dump bin in a Kmart before, and I haven’t seen one since.  Considering it was 7 at night, and the nice lady working in the toy section told me they put it out a few days earlier, I didn’t have a lot of hope, but I thought I would look anyway.

It wasn’t long after that I found the first Ford Focus Super TH.  I was shocked to see it, and figured someone just missed it.  But I kept digging.  It was at this point that the nice lady returned with a cart, telling me it might be easier to look through them if I had a cart to empty them into.  (That was definitely a first and only.)

I found the second and third Focus while dumping models into the cart.  I found the fourth and fifth on the peg tree nearby.  Those five Focus Supers have forever been my most prolific Super TH find of my collecting days.

Until today.

Today, for the second time in my life, I found five Super Treasure Hunts in a dump bin.  This time it was Walmart.  A rural Walmart to be sure, but not as rural as the Kmart from four years ago.  It was about 2 in the afternoon, and like at Kmart, I was shocked to find what I found.

I wandered into this Walmart hoping to find some Zamac Batmobiles.  Several collectors on IG had reported Q case dump bins hitting their local Walmarts, so I was hoping that maybe a store around me would have them.  Most Walmarts around me didn’t get the Q Case bins with the Zamacs the first time they hit, so I was holding out hope they would this time.

I first went to pegs to see them mostly bare.  I made my way to the other side of the aisle to look around, and before turning to head out I saw a bin.

It might be a little sad that we collectors can do this, but you know a hit bin when you see one.  There are telling signs, like soft corners, one side of the bin piled higher than the other, cars not laid out like they are in the case, and foreign objects in the bin that were dumped by other shoppers.

This bin looked hit.  Cards were strewn about, and there was a priceless wand, a set of small baskets, some ribbon, and some shoe insoles mixed in.  I did see a Tesla Zamac near the top, so I knew it was the Batmobile bin.  Assuming this bin was hit, I started digging hoping the last person had missed a Bat.

Halfway down the first side, after coming across several Tesla and Viper Zamacs, I was starting to lose hope that I would see a Bat.  That is about the time I came across the first Carbonic Super.

Was I excited.  I guess, but it is the Carbonic.  Ford GT or Chevy II would have elicited more of a response, but it is always fun to find a Super.  I figured the last person missed it (it is easy to miss), but it did give me a little more hope that a Bat was hidden somewhere.

Then I found two Batmobiles.

Woohoo!  Mission accomplished!  I had a couple of carded Zamac Bats, one of the best models of the year – Zamac with ghost flames! – and a Super to boot!  But of course I am going to keep digging…

Number 2.

Number 3.

Number 4.

And Number 5.

That was a trip.  Five Supers.  And 27 Zamac Batmobiles.

I grabbed the Supers, as well as a few Bats, and went on my merry way.  It doesn’t happen a lot, but occasionally it does.  I’ll remember this one…

16 Replies to “Finds like this don’t happen every day…”

  1. Brilliant… live in South Africa and we miss out on many awesome Hot Wheels. Bumped into my second Super Batmobile yesterday, sitting on a peg at Toys R Us. Lets just say I have friend with a huge smile this morning. Early Christmas for him.

  2. My bin was mostly cleaned out, there were also new Fast and Furious cars and I found 1 Honda S2000. The top of the card was ripped off (probably the only reason it was still there) but I was happy just to have one even with the ripped card.

  3. Extremely sad example of what little wage and job growth our economy is producing. Grown men taking 27 units of a batmobile to sell on eBay. We are truly robbing our children of a wonderful opportunity to find and possess a really cool toy that their parents can actually afford.

    This isn't anything to remember or feel good about. You haven't created anything with your bare hands or worked hard to achieve a goal. You simply emptied product out of a bin and took more than your fair share. You should feel ashamed and I'm hoping that you donate whatever product from your bounty that still remains in your possession.

  4. Wait, where am I selling these on eBay? And where did I say I bought them all? The shame is your strange assumptions. I have created a blog, and I do work on it every day, and I do have goals for it. And if you do care to know there are some friends in the UK, Japan, and New Zealand who are very excited about getting one of these since they are not available in their area. Want one too? Send me your address to

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