The Tomica Limited Vintage Neo Nissan Silvia Super Silhouette is out, and boy is it neato…

TLV Nissan Silvia Super Silhouette at Japan Booster

Just got the word from Japan Booster that my most anticipated TLV of 2016 has arrived.

My guess is that the Nissan Silvia Super Silhouette is a the top of many want lists since it was announced late last year.  With three DR30 Skylines and three Bluebirds already in the TLV Super Silhouette series, it was way past time for the Silvia.  It looks much different than the Skyline and Bluebird, and it has tremendous style sitting on Hoshino wheels and sporting the white/yellow livery.  It is obvious why these cars had such an impact on the car-obsessed youth of Japan at the time.

So it is finally out, and available now at the Japan Booster eBay store.

TLV Nissan Silvia Super Silhouette at Japan Booster

The model comes with a removable hood, as all the Silhouettes do, and a figurine of the driver.  More details to come, but this is a model you will be very happy to have.  And considering what happens to the prices of these models, I would jump now…

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