Even with the long, rich history of the Hot Wheels ’83 Silverado, the 50-car display exclusive makes only the sixth with Real Riders

I like long titles.  Especially when the long title starts an article about a surprisingly short run of models.

The ’83 Silverado has had a prolific run since its debut in the Hot Wheels Modern Classics line.  It started as a “premium” model with a metal base, popping up in several special lines.  A few years later it made its plastic base debut in the mainline, and we have seen both incarnations several times since.  Like the ’55 Gasser and 510 Wagon, a HW Silverado release is an event.

That is obviously why Hot Wheels decided to include one as the exclusive for the 50-car wall display it released this year.  They might sell several to collectors, but put a Silverado in there and collectors might buy multiples.  And they have.

But the display exclusive is surprisingly only the sixth time the Silverado has sported Real Rider wheels.  For the number of releases it has every year, that is not a lot.

Thankfully, they are all pretty stunning, starting with one of the nicest RLC models ever, the antifreeze whitewall release.  I took a look at all of them.  Enjoy:

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