Case Report: Opening a 2008 Matchbox Basic Case, Part 3…

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If you missed the 2001 Case, and Parts 1 and 2 of the 2008 Cases, you can see them on the Lamley YouTube Channel.  Subscribe while you are there as well.

For Part 3, I will not hesitate to say this is the best vintage case yet.

I have yet to dig into any of the 36-count cases, but this one will be hard to top.  Plain and simple this is Matchbox at its best.  The video is below, and I am sure you will enjoy seeing these models.  Those were the days…

Remember, all of these are or will be available at Wheel Collectors at the link below:

Wheel Collectors ebay store

Enjoy the video.  Photo report of this case and the other two is coming soon…

Best case yet?

2 Replies to “Case Report: Opening a 2008 Matchbox Basic Case, Part 3…”

  1. Nice! A few more tidbits:

    Yes, there was a white recolor in 2007 for the Caddy Hearse and this 2008 version in silver was the final 1-100 mainline version; the replacement casting (or so it was) is the 1963 Cadillac Ambulance, which again just got a retool last year with the roof part cut out.


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