Buy them all? What would you do if you encountered 72 Super Treasure Hunts?

It was quite a day yesterday as the story of the 72-Super TH find in Florida spread like wildfire all over this beloved internet.

When I put the story together the night before, I wondered what the reaction would be.  Would it be disdain for supposed theft in Malaysia?  Or questioning whether this story was actually true?  I figured there would be a strong reaction of some sort.

But once it posted, one element of the story dominated the conversation:

“Why did Zack buy all 72?  Would you have done the same?”

As soon as words like “greed” and “scalper” were used, things took off.  Some were perturbed that Zack left with all of them, others celebrated it, and others questioned the folks that said they would have left some.  Needless to say there were some strong feelings all around.

So, why don’t we ask?

Would you have bought all 72 Supers?  And if you did, what would you do with them?

We are not going to do a poll, because frankly the percentages are of little interest to us.  We just want to hear what you would do.  Do you buy them all?  Half?  A couple?  And of those you buy, what will you do with them?  Sell them?  Give them away?  Keep them?

We want your answers.

But let’s try and keep this a no judge zone.  Those that said yesterday that they would leave some?  Why not believe them?  And those that said they would buy them all?  Does it really make you mad that they would do that?  It is easy to judge what others would do, and make them out as bad guys or good guys, but does it really matter?

What matters is what you would do.

So to start, and to really test you on the no-judging request, how about I say what I would do?  Here is goes:

I would buy them all.  Every single one.  I have never left a Super behind, and finding 72 of one would not be an exception to that rule.  Finding a Super is such a rare occurrence, that every one is an instant memory.  I can look at every Super I have and tell you exactly where and what time of day I found it.  It is part of the joy of the hunt.

And it gets better.  What would I do with all 72?  I would keep them.  Every.  Single.  One.  In fact, after gathering my thoughts, and after buying all 72, I would put them in my car, and return to the toy section to see if I could find a store employee and try to find the box they came in.  If I was successful, I would repack all 72, and make that one box one of the most unique parts of my collection.  It would be a conversation starter for sure.

To me, it isn’t about having 72 of the same Super in my possession, it is about the unique story of finding 72 in the same store at the same time.  You have heard the stories before.  Everyone who gets lucky tells where he or she was, what the circumstances were, and how many they found.  Every Super find has a story, and this would be the grandaddy of them all.  And I would like to have the actual subject of that cool story.

That is what I would do.  Ok guys, try not to judge.

Yeah, I have always promoted the idea of leaving the Regular TH’s behind, and many of you have noticed my one-and-done approach to most models lately.  But Supers?  That is a different story.

There, I was honest.  We hope the rest of you can be too, and we would love to hear what your plans would be.  We won’t judge, because we can sympathize with just about every approach.  Nothing wrong with making a few dollars for whatever purpose, or making friends by giving them away, or delighting the next collector by leaving some.  Just let us know.

Incidentally, the person who it actually happened to, Zack, is now down to 3 Super 8 Crates left.  The 69 others were given away as gifts to friends and fellow collectors, or sold for a minimal price to those that inquired about them on Facebook.  Zack never put them up for sale, he just answered those that asked.  That is pretty cool.  So now you know what Zack would have done.


93 Replies to “Buy them all? What would you do if you encountered 72 Super Treasure Hunts?”

  1. I only buy 2 of each release that I get. 1 to open and 1 to store no matter what kind of release they are. I might get a couple more to give to friends or to sell at retail cost so that others have a better shot at a treasure hunt, but buying all 72 is ridiculous IMO.

  2. oh? that's why I've only ever seen 3 treasure hunt cars on pegs in the entire 20+ years I've been collecting. Right. Thousands is nothing when compared to the millions of other cars released that they're mixed in with. There's nothing you can do with 72 of the same frikking car if you just keep them. Giving some away or selling at cost so that others have a better shot at finding a treasure hunt is one thing, but buying them all to keep is something entirely different. We're not “bitching” we're conscientious collectors who think about other people.

  3. Selling is not an instant thing. If paying $78 is going to cause you a $35 overdraft fee, then your budget can't afford it. When you find someone to sell them to, paypal usually takes a week to go through and the first few would just go towards paying back the fee and the overdraft. Of course besides that, if it's all the money you have to last you until your next check would you really let your gas tank go dry just to buy a bunch of Hot Wheels?

  4. When I pick up Hot Wheels that my friends are looking for, I don't charge them for them unless it's more than say 10 of them. A dollar or two is not going to break me, but I would feel it if I bought say a whole run of Fast and Furious sublines or holoday sublines.

  5. “I'm sure that any of the few on here saying that they wouldn't buy them all had never been in a store and found two supers right? Maybe three? What then? Is it okay to buy them all then? Exactly… Either you have or you will because that's what you're there for!”

    2? yes, I'd buy both. because that's what I do, I buy 2 of each release. One to open and one to store.

    3? Nope. I'd buy my 2 and put the third at the back of the pegs in the middle for someone else to find.

  6. Like I said yesterday, I would buy 2. One to open and one to store, because that's what I do. If a friend or two were also looking for it, I would buy them one and give it to them no charge. Either way, I'd only buy in the single digits, and disperse the rest throughout the pegs throughout the store (maybe even a couple in the dump bin just to annoy the perfectionists) for other people to find.

  7. Dada662, I think the OP was referencing this:

    “I would keep them. Every. Single. One. In fact, after gathering my thoughts, and after buying all 72, I would put them in my car, and return to the toy section to see if I could find a store employee and try to find the box they came in. If I was successful, I would repack all 72, and make that one box one of the most unique parts of my collection. It would be a conversation starter for sure.”

  8. He's a greedy f*cker, plain and simple, as is everybody else on here who says they would do the same. Think of all those potential collector kids who would have looked in wonder at a special car with real tyres and cool paint now deprived because some adult scumbag bought all of them. He's done Mattel and collectors in general a disservice because of his unbelievable selfishnes.

  9. So sad that the Lamley Group fell into this silly discussion. We all now this is happening and is being discussed all over the web, so, why here again? No, please, Lamley, go back to what you do good. Show us that pretty cars out the package and that amazing customs. That's all real collectors need.

  10. I think this has been a great discussion Felix. It is very interesting to see what people think, and I don't think anyone is wrong, outside of saying there is “only one reason” that someone does something. And I am glad you like the showcases.

    This topic is being put to bed after this post, and we have a showcase and a case opening coming very soon. Oh, and I have been posting pics to Instagram all day. You should check them out…

  11. No, i mean. I did exactly what i said. I regret it today because back then things were more funny. Today i don't let a super hanging because it's too damn hard to find one. And as i also said, i wouldn't take them all, if i had this luck. Believe me.

    I'm not that kind of person. There's nothing to “gotcha” here.

  12. Minimal profit = quicker to unload.

    Sell 60 at $10 each shipped (stateside, anyway). Still make a few hundred ddollar, and you are only making about $4 per car. Makes about $240 that way (roughly).

  13. Well I said yesterday id buy them all, and I still would. What id do with them is keep one or two and try and trade for other supers I want. There's no way id have left any lamely is right theirs a story with every super and the chance to get 72 unreal. Pull out the credit card and go. Eventually trading would only go so far, and id sell some just to get rid of them. My price would be very reasonable no rarity here.

  14. Wow and your hateful rank is so inspiring I think ill give away all my stuff to poor potential collector kids. Lighten up matt. He can't be that greedy he shared his story with us even though he knows people like you are going to spaz.

  15. So now we are comparing toy cars to an extinction of a species? Wow, well that's a pretty big leap lol. Deep though.

    Maybe this whole mind set is the way to go. I'm tired of being a greedy collector. I think I'm gonna switch.

    I mean really, do any of us really need money? Forget trading for a super with an extra super I paid $1 for. From now on if I don't find one I'll pay $20+ a pop for them. Makes complete and total sense…

  16. Biggie-Large! For gods sake man! Now you're gonna buy 65!?!? You may as well start handing out loaded firearms to the remaining few American Buffalo!

    Not leave much “meat of the bone” are you? LoL

    I love how the thought of finding a Chase car or even a mainline Escort gets you so excited that you start daydreaming of all the little games you would play with them, a scavenger hunt, rolling around naked on a pile of them and whatnot.

    It's funny you're talking about “grown men” and $1 toy cars being childish but that is what you collect correct? If you're so above it then why still do it? Btw my 3 yr old daughter has more loose supers in her toy box than most collectors, do I get any credit for that? Like most collectors that read this page, I am giving, buying more than 2 supers doesn't make one greedy. I also hook kids up at the pegs, you do realize however that a kid is just as happy with a regular hunt as a super, (and with the imagination cars sometimes even happier) they, which judging by your comments you would be too.

    It's funny you (and like 2 other people) hear “gimme, gimme, gimme, mine, mine, mine”…

    The rest of us hear “whine, whine, whine, why can't I find a super, this is bullsh*t, if greedy people would leave them for me Id have them hanging when I feel like strolling in to pick one up”

    Bottom line, normal people can buy all of the super or the escorts or whatever casting and still not be greedy. They can still help out the young collectors and “pay it forward”, they can hook up buddies, they can trade, they can even sell! None makes them greedy. Now going and buying 72 supers or even 1 super for that matter, because u only see dollars and have no interest in collecting or hooking up local collectors, then that would be greed.

    No one here is talking about doing that, nor did Zach do that.

    So how's about you put your clothes back on and stop dreaming of supers and American buffalo and get out there and find yourself a SUPER! Or an Escort, you know, take what you can get right?

  17. KIds collect by subject and color, kids would take a super , rip it out of the pack and play with it in the dirt….and thats ok but these Supers are an adult collectible…like it or not. I would give one to a kid if they understood what it really was and can appreciate it. And I give a LOT away to kids every year

  18. Biggie, I'm sorry I keep reading your posts and laughing. I have to call you out.

    Restore balance? You know what needs restored? The American Buffalo! Ah man I'm just kidding, anyhow, Tim C is exactly right, supply & demand, if supply was higher than demand we wouldn't be having this conversation right now would we?

    Now you're taking about setting price limits, and 1 per person, that seems a little socialist ay?

    Regarding your comment to Lamley, sure there may be a bunch of supers made but a good chunk of those don't make it out of Malaysia the way they are supposed to, (greed, jeez) then the ones that do make it here get picked at any number of locations from the coast to the warehouse to the storerooms to the shelf, then the remaining make it to the pegs/bins.

    Some supers are picked more than others, regardless there is still a whole lot less than there should be.

    The reason the guy you are obviously jealous of, wait! I mean the gentleman you mentioned that finds 5-10 supers in 2 days, well here is how that happens:

    Some people or more passionate than others, some people go check the stores when the hot wheels are put out, while others just check on a Saturday afternoon when their spouse drags them along to Home Depot and maybe even bed, bath & beyond, some people don't have a life either and can stay out hunting 24/7 while others have jobs and other responsibilities. You just never know, the point is however, that there are people who find 5-10 supers in 2 days. It takes a lot of time and money to do so, in fact it'd be cheaper to pay $40 each on ebay, but it's not about that, it's the fun of the hunt and the hobby. I used to hunt a lot more than I do now and I used to find 5-10 supers in 2 days. Now that I don't so much those numbers have dropped.

    Regardless, you saying a super is not rare to find is not accurate, if they were you wouldn't be complaining! Saying, “if those mean greedy people wouldn't buy them all there would be some for me! Wait, I mean for all collectors”

    And lastly no, mattel shouldn't stop making supers just because you can't find them! That's what regulars are for! Oh, wait… I mean that's why they make other nice castings like the Escor… Oh…

  19. Very well said John, I hope no one got offended or mad. I know I did not, I could care less what the next guy does. You won't hear complaints here!

    It was actually a rather good debate which got more people involved! Regardless of my own viewpoint it's fun to play Devils advocate or to challenge different points of view. Most fun I've had on here in awhile.

    Let's just hope that everyone was taking it light heartedly as it should be, because it is toy cars we are talking about…

    In the end we are all collectors with a passion or we wouldn't be here! A really kind, caring and giving group as has been shown again & again. Thanks for letting it be discussed freely!

  20. In my ten years of adult collecting I haven't even found one yet, but it is what it is. In this capitalistic country, you really can't control what others do. It would be nice if more people were more considerate, but most hunts are pretty wack anyway. So at this point, I really don't care anymore. So fuck Treasure Hunts. Fuck Mattel, and fuck these greedy ass people.

  21. Wow, Dude calm down. Keep it in perspective. Besides if it makes you that angry just buy them! Or ask someone you know that finds them to help you out. Or join a Hot Wheels Club. Lots of options, nothing to stroke out about!

  22. Maybe I'm an asshole, but, in an ideal world, I'd buy them all up and get them straight to ebay or TPP or the trade boards. I don't collect Hot Wheels anymore, and even when I did, the 8 Crate wasn't among them, so I fail to see why I shouldn't try to turn them over for stuff I do collect or to buy said stuff. TLVs and Kyoshos aren't cheap after all, specially with three reais to a dollar…

    which brings us to the real world, where I probably would have bought none. For starters, 72 mainlines equal 562 reais, and that's a lot of money. Sure, selling them off at, say 20 to 30 dollars each would bring in far more money, but passing on 72 supers is a lot of work when you're as lazy as I am. Just the thought of going through the post office 72 times just to get these off my hands makes me want to take a nap.

  23. I think I'm right and I think you're wrong, I stand by my hate for this person who has 'shared' his story – lucky us. You shouldnt use the word spaz. It's a shortening of the word spastic and is derogatory.

  24. Todd, that's a sweeping statement, you're assumin every kid is stupid – they are not. You are also not factoring in the child's parents telling them about supers and getting them interested in collecting. Me and a mate have both done that and now our kids are into it.

  25. What if I have 72 Super T-Hunt$..???

    Well, this is the right choice.
    First, I keep one. ONLY ONE. Because you know? Having at least ONE TH$ is very grateful, just like you just found a tons of kilograms gold at your neighborhood.
    Then, the rest (71 pieces) of them…
    – I sell the 15 pieces to the internet (literally Facebook) via. auction, because it will bring the biggest profit.
    – I sell the 15 pieces (again) to my schoolmates and my friends for $5. (Because $10 is too damn expensive for them)
    – I gave the 30 pieces to the children as an charity. Why we don't do this at once?
    – I gave the 10 pieces to all of my slibings, as an birthday gift.
    – I gave the last 1 piece to my soulmate (my girlfriend…yes, she would love to) as an anniversary gift.

    Well, you'd better give to someone who need it for their collection than you keep all 72 pieces. If you thought my opinions is bad, you have to think again.

  26. What if I have 72 Super T-Hunt$..???

    Well, this is the right choice.
    First, I keep one. ONLY ONE. Because you know? Having at least ONE TH$ is very grateful, just like you just found a tons of kilograms gold at your neighborhood.
    Then, the rest (71 pieces) of them…
    – I sell the 15 pieces to the internet (literally Facebook) via. auction, because it will bring the biggest profit.
    – I sell the 15 pieces (again) to my schoolmates and my friends for $5. (Because $10 is too damn expensive for them)
    – I gave the 30 pieces to the children as an charity. Why we don't do this at once?
    – I gave the 10 pieces to all of my slibings, as an birthday gift.
    – I gave the last 1 piece to my soulmate (my girlfriend…yes, she would love to) as an anniversary gift.

    Well, you'd better give to someone who need it for their collection than you keep all 72 pieces. If you thought my opinions is bad, you have to think again.

  27. We are trying to keep this the no-judge zone. Just focus on what you would have done if you found them. I didn't put up this post as a means for some to be critical of others.

  28. LOL, rolling naked with hotwheels. Most people's words out of their mouths is f yeah a super, this is worth so much. Not, Oh sweet I need this for my collection.

    I brought up the collecting $1 dollar toy cars as being seen as childish by most of society. ( you know you get the looks from the girls at the check out line when you roll up to the check stand without a kid and with only hotwheels, like wtf?? ) because I was being called childish, for wanting to create an actual super t hunt with t hunts.

    I encouraged opening cars before instagram had a crackshitopen hashtag.

    Also giving someone a car that is deemed valuable or hard to get is a great feeling, feels better than selling it to them for an inflated price. If money is your motive, it is hard to not say you are greedy.

    People speak of things being so easy to find, then why not leave some of the escorts or supers or desirable mainlines behind, because you could easily find them at the next stop right? Wrong, which is why people like you and what seems like the majority of collectors these days buy everything they can get their hands on. This new hype with hotwheels has created a plague like situation where the mentality of the average collector is that of a locust swarming from store to store buying everything, and then posting their hoarded lot, on instagram, so they can feel special. But then get but hurt when someone calls them out for being greedy.

    I have thought of quitting, collecting because of people like this, but I actually like the cars to much to let shitty people ruin it for me. I don't buy cars with the thought of profit in mind. I am also mindful of the other people around me and extra collectors. Have fun day dreaming up magical scenarios of naked men rolling around with hotwheels.

  29. LOL, rolling naked with hotwheels. Most people's words out of their mouths is f yeah a super, this is worth so much. Not, Oh sweet I need this for my collection.

    I brought up the collecting $1 dollar toy cars as being seen as childish by most of society. ( you know you get the looks from the girls at the check out line when you roll up to the check stand without a kid and with only hotwheels, like wtf?? ) because I was being called childish, for wanting to create an actual super t hunt with t hunts.

    I encouraged opening cars before instagram had a crackshitopen hashtag.

    Also giving someone a car that is deemed valuable or hard to get is a great feeling, feels better than selling it to them for an inflated price. If money is your motive, it is hard to not say you are greedy.

    People speak of things being so easy to find, then why not leave some of the escorts or supers or desirable mainlines behind, because you could easily find them at the next stop right? Wrong, which is why people like you and what seems like the majority of collectors these days buy everything they can get their hands on. This new hype with hotwheels has created a plague like situation where the mentality of the average collector is that of a locust swarming from store to store buying everything, and then posting their hoarded lot, on instagram, so they can feel special. But then get but hurt when someone calls them out for being greedy.

    I have thought of quitting, collecting because of people like this, but I actually like the cars to much to let shitty people ruin it for me. I don't buy cars with the thought of profit in mind. I am also mindful of the other people around me and extra collectors. Have fun day dreaming up magical scenarios of naked men rolling around with hotwheels.

  30. “because I was being called childish, for wanting to create an actual super t hunt with t hunts.”

    Because it is childish. It's a store, not your own personal playground. How would you like it if someone went to your house and started hiding stuff all over?

  31. First, I'm not able to be there when they put out cases on the pegs, as I have other responsibilities that need my time. Also, there are a lot of scalpers in my area. I've witnessed several of them buying cases upon cases only to see those exact cars for sale at their booth at the annual local car show for triple what they paid for them at least.

  32. Bigs, as I said below I was just having fun with the debate. Hopefully you didn't get your feelings hurt, I know I was cracking up at some of the things people were writing!

    The main points were clear however. You had directed a comment to Lamley about Supers not being rare, however everyone is in an uproar over them.
    Now you are implying they are hard to find by saying if it's that easy to find them then why don't you leave some.

    I think the reason people buy them up is because they are HTF; Supers, popular mainlines, etc… and as you said the collecting of them has changed.

    However if you put enough effort into it you can be as successful as anyone. But I don't think that people who put the time, effort and money into doing so wanna leave something for the guy who puts in little to no effort and expects a handout.

    That's one thought. The other of course is that the collecting has reached new highs, along with scalping and now the guy that walks in on a few supers and escorts buys them all because it's such a rare occurrence.

    The guy you see with 5-10 supers probably worked hard for them and earned them by doing so. No greed involved. He may not get the chance to find another for a year, he may do it every month. But no one knows what he does with the extras… Keep, sell, trade, charity, kids… Whichever.

  33. That's what I'm saying. other people are saying that they don't understand how someone can say they don't have th ebudget for that many at once. Those people are either delusional or stupid.

  34. I am not angry, although it might seem to spark that emotion. Like I just said in my first post, I really don't care about TH's anymore. My thing has always been the $1 mainlines anyway, and the occasional premium release. But again, I'm not angry; I'm good bro.

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