As is the Custom: The wicked wheel creations of Bjorn_ready…

Just as we did last week, we are dedicating the entire “As is the Custom” this week to one artist…

@bjorn_ready, as he is known on Instagram, snagged our attention earlier this year.  His customs were alway clean, his style very specific, and his custom choices always cool.  But what stands out the most are…well…what do the kids say these days?

Those wheels though…

I have no idea what the construct of that sentence specifically means, but I do know that someone in awe would say that.  And I know that because that response comes a lot whenever Bjorn_ready posts his work.  It is also the most common question in the IG custom world now:

Where did you get, or how did you make those amazing wheels?

He’s not telling, and we don’t blame him.  That wheel work separates bjorn_ready from most customizers, and he prefers to keep it that way.  But as great as those wheels are, they wouldn’t look nearly as nice if the work on the model itself was badly executed.  Bjorn_ready is talented through and through, and we thought it appropriate to get a feature on Lamley during the same year he burst on the scene…

The work:

12 Replies to “As is the Custom: The wicked wheel creations of Bjorn_ready…”

  1. That was a little salty lol..

    No need to get bent on him not revealing the source of his wheels; everyone wants to know as much as the next guy does, but nonetheless, wheels taken from a donor car or handmade, his customs are definitely top notch.

  2. They probably are from another car. If not, 3D Printing is most likely the next plausible option. Hell, if I had a printer, I'd be making my own wheels instead of using the same limited options Hot Wheels has.

  3. Do you know why he is being featured? Because what he has is a recipe for great looking cars and success. You are not one of those guys that goes to restaurants and asks the chef his how he makes his signature dish and what the special ingredients are? Are you? Don't hate appreciate.

  4. About half of those beautiful cars belong to me. I would sooner trade my whole hot wheels collection than get rid of my customs.

    Hats off to you Bjorn_ready. You definitely deserve to be here. Top notch work. Every time I get a piece from you my expectations are surpassed and I am always mind blown at the detail. The F40, has stack gauges and recaro seats. the grills the logos, the fitment, the character and thought that goes into making each one of these cars, more than just a wheel swap. Cheers.

  5. They are not 3D-printed, several of those are from HW, the rest are from Kyosho/Aoshima/maybe TLV, some of them might be widened. He may be reproducing them in resin or some other stuff. It isn't that difficult really, we've done it ourselves, it's just very time consuming… or money consuming, if you don't reproduce them and don't mind cracking open a $15-$20-$more car to put it's wheels into a $1 car. Work and detailing on most is pretty good. Shame most of them wouldn't roll, but then again, they're exhibition pieces. All customs are.

  6. تعتمد شركة ركن البيت على افضل الخدمات الاساسية المميزة التى تساعد فى الوصول الى افضل النتائج المميزة التى تؤدي الغرض المطلوب حيث لدينا شركة تنظيف بالرياض تساعد فى تحقيق افضل ما هو مطلوب في خدمات النظافة بعيد عن اعمال التنظيف اليدوية التي تستخدم اساليب فعليك ان تتعاون وتتصل بنا في شركتنا حيث يمكنك الاستعانة بخدمة تنظيف الفلل من خلال التواصل مع قسم شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض التي تحقق كل ما هو جيد في اعمال التنظيف والسعى الى التنظيف من الالف الى الياء كما يوجد لدينا خدمات اخري في النظافة مثلا تنظيف الخزانات التي تحتاج الي مختص فني في تقديم اعمال نظافة الخزنات من خلال شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض
    التي لديها خدمة متخصصة في القضاء علي البكتريا والرواسب التي توجد في قاع الخزانات من خلال شركة تسمي المتميزة في التعقيم والتظهر للحصول علي كل ما هو صحي من خلال شراء اغلى انواع المنظفات والمساحيق والمعطرات المميزة التى تساعد فى الوصول الى اى نتيجة يرغب العميل بها فشركة ركن البيت هى افضل الشركات التى تهتم باعمال التنظيف لمنزلك التي توجد لديك مثل خدمة شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض مهما كانت مساحته ومهما كانت درجة الاتساخ فلاتتردد فى التعامل معنا لدينا خدمات اخري يمكنك متابعتها مثلا بعض الناس يعتمدون علي شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض والتي تعتبر من افضل الخدمات الاساسية داخل مدينة الرياض التي تحتاج عناية شديدة في اعمالها من خلال تعاملها مع قسم شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض والتي يستخدم مبيدات طبيعية والتي تقتل جميع الحشرات المنزلية مثل الصراصير والنمل الابض والفئران بالاضافة الى ان الشركة تهتم بتوفير افضل الخدمات الاساسية فى اعمال الرش

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